Video: Kamala Harris Refuses To Drop To Her Knees In Front Of An Entire NBA Team – Biden Gets Down On One Knee In Front Of The VP And Historic Levels Of Cringe Ensues
On Tuesday afternoon, the Golden State Warriors were at the White House to celebrate their 2022 NBA Championship.
During the visit, the Warriors presented President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris with custom jerseys.
2022 NBA Finals MVP Steph Curry took the podium to announce the presentation.
Curry: “We brought some gifts for you, we have two jerseys, a number 46 and a number 49, and we would love to have you a part of Dub Nation forever.”
Video below:
Steph presented President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris with their own Warriors jerseys
— Warriors on NBCS (@NBCSWarriors) January 17, 2023
However, as they were preparing to take a group photo, Biden awkwardly got down on one knee in front of Kamala in such a way that made the crowd think he was “proposing”, or at least pretending to.
Absolute historic levels of cringe ensued.
Video below:
As Biden got down on one knee, Kamala awkwardly yelled “I’m not doing that!”, followed by her signature cackle.
People online had other ideas:
@POTUS embarassing our country every day.
— FJB MJB🇺🇸🦅 (@Meeba67) January 17, 2023
Absolute #potatobrain
— Patrick C. Morgan (@patrckm) January 17, 2023
How about two knees Kamala?
— Essential Citizen (@EssentialCitizn) January 17, 2023
Kamala is uses to kneeling on both knees
— Daniel Padilla (@dpfit) January 17, 2023
Lol, she did that enough with Willie Brown for a lifetime.
— George Kirby (@TakeJapper1) January 17, 2023
Photo of the day:
Warriors are happy to meet with the worst administration of our lifetime but won’t visit when Trump is in office…
Wokest team in sports.

Michelle is an American conservative author she is committed to the constitutional principles of individual freedom, economic liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, and traditional values. She is a libertarian and provocateur who believes in freedom and liberty for all Americans. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington, while exposing politicians and individuals who wish to do us harm.
She’ll fall back on old Habits of Blowing EVERYONE IN THE ROOM?
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Senile deranged and an imbecile all wrapped up into one and the NBA plays for the Chinese!!!!! So kneel Joey Pay !!!!!
Nobody watches the fools in NBA because they are pro-Communists Chink lovers.
Not the victory for a retrograde woke roundball team, but we will remember the insults to our former president. Be the performer clown Biden, we always knew you had it in you!
For a little while, Joe thought he was vice president.
Where are all the white people?
I knew it, Biden was in on Watergate after all, he is DeepThrowt!
Sorry, not believable. Kamala loves to drop to her knees.
They call her madam “Cocksucker” for a reason.
Kneel before Zod!
where’s Al Sharpton and his hefty bag full of dog doo when we need him?
As Catturd said yesterday, this is bad until it is the next day
Screw the Warriors.
…..I don’t get it ….what was Biden doing going down on the knee?
Embarrassing the nation once again!
Kneeling when blacks are near is just one display of Biden’s lifelong racism. His entire character is one of infinite virtue signaling. Here, he shows his belief that all blacks are communist BLM supporters.
Every race should be infuriated at his insult!
An American (so called) President should never be seen, much less photographed, on his knees to any one.
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IMO, Obama required Biden to prostrate himself, just as he let Harris off the hook – the symbolism, of course.