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Ohio’s Secretary of State Alerts Democrats: Biden’s Name May Not Appear on November Ballot—Here’s Why

Looks like Robert Kennedy Jr. isn’t the only Democrat presidential candidate having trouble getting on ballots for the 2024 general election. As incredible as it might sound, so is … President Joe Biden.

The Ohio Secretary of State is warning that President Joe Biden won’t make it on the general election ballot in Ohio unless a state law is changed or the Democratic National Convention meets earlier.

The Secretary of State’s office sent a letter April 5 to Ohio Democratic Party Chairwoman Liz Walters that alerted her to the issue.

The Democratic National Convention meets August 19 to nominate its candidate for president but Ohio law sets a deadline of August 7 to certify presidential candidates for the November ballot.

The convention would have to meet earlier, which is unlikely given the planning and logistics. Or the Ohio General Assembly could pass legislation by May 9 that grants a waiver, according to the letter to Walters.
“Please contact me as soon as possible with any information that can assure this office of timely compliance with Ohio law,” wrote Paul Disantis, chief legal counsel for the Ohio Secretary of State.

A spokesman for Walters said “We’re looking into it.”

My guess is that changing the dates of a massive event like a nominating convention is out the window. It would be nearly impossible to pull it off, with so many moving parts, on short notice.

While the Ohio Dems have only remarked that they received and are mulling over the letter, a Biden campaign spokesperson assured ABC News that “[they’re] monitoring the situation in Ohio and [they’re] confident that Joe Biden will be on the ballot in all 50 states.”

Now, it would be easy for conservatives to play this story up as a major issue, especially on a reactionary forum like social media. While it might be satisfying to celebrate the possibility of the Democrats being embarrassed by something like this, you just know they’re scheming right now on how to get out of the blunder said Becca Lower contributor to the Red State.

Mark Van der Veen

Mark Van der Veen offers some of the most analytical and insightful writings on politics. He regularly opines on the motives and political calculations of politicians and candidates, and whether or not their strategy will work. Van der Veen offers a contrast to many on this list by sticking mainly to a fact-based style of writing that is generally combative with opposing ideologies.

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10 months ago

Republicans hold a huge majority in the Ohio General Assembly. Do NOT vote to change the rules and grant a waiver for Biden! Treat the Democrats the same way they treat Republicans! Make them rearrange and reschedule their Democrat National Convention.

OR, leave Biden off the ballot in Ohio.

If the GOP gives Biden a pass here, then the GOP deserves to lose. So tired of the GOP rolling over for Democrats.

10 months ago

The Democrats change all the rules so let them move up their convention or leave China Joe off the ballot. They already have all the ballots made for cheating Joe anyway.