

The video was reportedly recorded as a response to the growing protests against the Vietnam War.

For nearly five decades, John Wayne roped, wrangled, and punched his way through hundreds of films and into our collective memories. His image symbolized the rugged individualism that characterized an idealized America — an America rooted in liberty and the notion that one controls his own destiny.


(continue reading to watch the video)

Wayne’s characters reflected values he aspired to but did not always achieve, and he once remarked that he played only the type of man he would like to have been. Strengthened by a respect for the nation’s past and its cherished traditions, Wayne seemed almost archaic in a rapidly changing world. It was that sense of strength that drew successive generations to him. He reminded us of the things that made America great, and we admired him for it.

When it comes to truly American actors, it’s hard to think of anyone who represents our beautiful country better than John Wayne.

The Duke was a proud American throughout his whole life, and unlike many celebrities of today, he wasn’t afraid to show it.

In 1970, he hosted a variety show to celebrate the USA’s history. It featured tons of big-name celebrities of the time, including Johnny Cash, Lucille Ball, Glenn Campbell, and many more.

If watching them all sing “God Bless America” doesn’t make you feel proud to be an American, nothing will!

This definitely isn’t the first time that Mr. Wayne has shown us his American pride. He once broke down the entire Pledge of Allegiance to remind us what the words we’re saying every day at the beginning of school really mean. It’s incredible how a man who was a movie star so many years ago can still have such a huge impact on our country today.

He once broke down the entire Pledge of Allegiance to remind us what the words we’re saying every day at the beginning of school really mean. It’s incredible how a man who was a movie star so many years ago can still have such a huge impact on our country today.

It’s such a shame that we don’t have any actors like the Duke today. The good news is that not all hope is lost— Jurassic World star Chris Pratt was recorded teaching his young son the Pledge of Allegiance, so hopefully, he will be the first of many modern stars who aren’t ashamed to say they’re proud to be American. I bet John Wayne would be very happy with that indeed.

Did this performance give you chills? If you’re proud to be from the USA, SHARE this video with everyone you know!

Watch here:

Can you imagine any of the schmucks who currently reside in Hollywood teaming up to celebrate America like this? Probably not, since contemporary Hollywood stars prefer complaining about income inequality or white supremacy — while not busy attending anti-cop rallies — to stand up for America’s greatness and exceptionalism.

A lot has changed in the past 45 years. Too much, in fact … much to the detriment of our great nation.

If “The Duke” were still around, maybe things would be better. Alas, he and his incredible peers in the Hollywood of yore are long gone. R.I.P.

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Michelle M.

Michelle is an American conservative author she is committed to the constitutional principles of individual freedom, economic liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, and traditional values. She is a libertarian and provocateur who believes in freedom and liberty for all Americans. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington, while exposing politicians and individuals who wish to do us harm.