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WATCH! Huckabee Responds And Smashes Chelsea Handler! She Will Be Livid After This! (Video)

Chelsea Handler has taken to her Netflix show to point her crosshairs right on Sanders and her looks. My advice to her, however, is to look at herself before she takes about Sarah!

In an episode titled “Dinner Party: Scandalous,” Handler’s guest, Lanny Davis, started talking about alternative facts saying, “When somebody from the Trump White House stands at the lectern and tells us that black is white—”

Handler issued a brutal attack on the press secretary:

“That harlot that they are dressing up and trolling out every day? I mean, one day she has no makeup on at all, the next she’s got like 6-foot long eyelashes, and she’s got cleavage, and summer whore lipstick all over her face. Can you believe what they’ve turned her into? A proper trollop.”

Now her father responded and I am sure his answer will make Handler angry!

From The Daily Caller:

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee absolutely wrecked comedian Chelsea Handler for calling his daughter a “whore.”

Rather than throw anger and offense at Handler, Huckabee asserted that people should pray for her because she is clearly missing happiness in her life and is “jealous” of White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders.

I mean, one day she has no makeup on at all, the next she’s got 6’ long eyelashes, cleavage, and summer whore lipstick all over her face,” Handler declared.

Huckabee said he wasn’t angry when he heard what Handler said–rather, he “felt sorry for her.”

“I feel sad for Chelsea Handler. She seems like a very angry and bitter person…she seems to just be in a rage,” Huckabee asserted. “The sad thing about it, she boasts about the two abortions she had at 16, I think in many ways she’s jealous of my daughter.”

“My daughter has a husband who loves her and is wonderful to her, my daughter has three delightful children, she’s a happy, balanced person,” he continued. “I truly feel sorry for [Handler] and I feel that she’s lashing out at a life that she’s never been able to understand.”

“Pray for her that she finds some peace because it’s pretty evident she doesn’t have it right now,” he concluded.


What Chelsea Handler is doing is “cyber bullying”…no different from what the liberal elite condemn when it suits their agendas.

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Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Supreme Insider, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Right Journalism. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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7 years ago

Many people love to put ugly hatred out toward Sarah H. Sanders as well as Pres. Trump I sincerely doubt that these people could take the ugly hatred that they say back upon them. They would whine like 100 coyotes in heat. Remember these people can only give it out and very rarely be able to take the same! Such a shame they rarely realize that what comes around goes around! What you say is what you are. Clean out your own noses those of you who hate Sarah and Pres. Trump and his family so much! You will find you have to be those ugly words before giving them out!