Video: Antifa Rioters Smashing Up Police Car With Cops Inside – Cops Did Nothing
Back in September, a gunman walked up to two Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department deputies who were sitting in their patrol car and opened fire. Both officers are still in critical condition from their gunshot wounds. This is just one of several violent attacks against law enforcement since the death of George Floyd. As the officers were rushed to the hospital, protestors blocked the emergency entrances and exits to the hospital, shouting “We hope they die.”
These types of vile and violent protests, rioting, and destruction have taken a hold of many American cities since late May, after George Floyd was killed by a Minneapolis police officer. Often, these incidents start out as peaceful protests, but then rapidly turn into violence, as many Americans have witnessed on TV. Most often, the groups involved direct that violence at one place — law enforcement officers.
A video was sent to us this morning by one of our readers who wish to remain anonymous.
The video shows two police officers locked in their police car as Antifa rioters smash the car and walk away – the police officers did nothing.
The footage was allegedly taken in Canada but still, it’s a good reminder of the police taking the guard off and let anarchists control the streets!
Video below:
The Police are so weak these days they won’t even arrest liberal terrorists that are literally smashing up their cars with them inside.
We’re gonna have to just protect each other as conservatives.
Federal law enforcement officials have been sending warnings to local and state law enforcement since 2016 that Antifa has become increasingly dangerous.
Warnings from the Department of Homeland Security state that there’s a growing threat of lethal violence between Antifa and white supremacist and nationalist groups, according to interviews and confidential documents obtained by Politico. Antifa’s actions have concerned federal officials, pushing DHS to formally classify their activities as “domestic terrorist violence.”

Natalie Dagenhardt is an American conservative writer who writes for Right Journalism! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to “stir up the pot,” and does not “pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do,” drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington. She is a “constitutional conservative”.
[…] continues as BLM punches women in the face in San Bernardino, ANTIFA smashed cop cars, (with the cops inside) in Canada, churches are burned, ATMs exploded and washing machines looted in […]