BREAKING! The USA Are Getting Ready To Leave The United Nations
Two Republican U.S. senators introduced legislation that would cut funding to the United Nations until it repeals an anti-settlement resolution passed last month by the Security Council.
Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina went on morning shows Thursday to announce the resolution, which is newsworthy in part because the two senators are known to intensely dislike one another.
Love is everywhere,” Graham said on MSNBC.
The bill would stop the flow of funds until the president confirms the repeal of a U.N. Security Council resolution that called Israel’s expansion into Palestinian territories a violation of international law.
Cruz said President Obama “betrayed decades of robust bipartisan American support for Israel” by having his administration abstain from voting on the resolution rather than vetoing it.
“Congress must hold the U.N. accountable and use our leverage as its largest contributor to push for the repeal of this resolution, making it clear to the world that Congress stands unequivocally against efforts to undermine Israel,” he added…
…The House passed a resolution on a 342-80 vote last week denouncing the Security Council vote. A majority of Democrats, 109, voted for the resolution, while 76 voted against it, and four voted “present.”
The Senate has introduced its own resolution, which is backed by 68 senators, though it hasn’t yet come up for a vote.
Graham, who oversees funding for the State Department and foreign operations in the Senate, called the vote “a slap” against the United States’ Middle East ally.
“Twenty-two percent of the money to fund the UN comes from the American taxpayer. I don’t think it is a good investment for the American taxpayer to give money to an organization that condemns the only democracy in the MidEast, and takes the settlement issue and says that the most important and only issue in terms of an impediment to peace,” Graham told MSNBC.
“I begged the UN months before don’t put me in this box with [Secretary of State] John Kerry and [President Barack] Obama taking a slap at Israel and we are going to push back. Many Americans believe the UN has become more anti-Semitic, more anti-Israeli, and I am a big internationalist but we are going to stop the money until we get this fixed.”
Graham’s statement contradicts the conclusions of a Brookings Institution poll, which found nearly two-thirds of Americans favor UN resolutions demanding a halt to settlements and that a majority of self-identified Democrats support some form of sanctions towards Israel to bring about peace.
Each year, the US gives approximately $8 billion in mandatory payments and voluntary contributions to the international peace agency and its affiliated organizations. About $3 billion goes the UN’s regular peacekeeping budgets.
In a press call about the resolution vote, White House Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes explained that the US abstained on the resolution because it “expresses a consensus international view on Israeli settlement activity.”
“We thought that we could not in good conscience veto a resolution that expressed concerns about the very trends that are eroding,” Rhodes explained. “A two-state solution.”
The resolution, however, is toothless, as it does not authorize any form of sanctions to compel Israel to respect international law.
As the people of the world continue to show signs they are waking up and rejecting the New World Order’s plans in droves, members of Congress are seizing the moment and pushing for America to exit the United Nations.
Antoher bill was also presented! Bill sponsors Thomas Massie (R-KY), Mike Rogers (R-MI), Tim Huelskamp (R-KS), Jeff Duncan (R-SC), Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA), and Ted Yoho (R-FL) recently released the text of their bill hoping to convince Americans to embrace the push to restore sovereignty of the country and reject the march towards a one world government.
1st Session
H. R. 1205
March 2, 2015
Mr. Rogers of Alabama (for himself, Mr. Massie, Mr. Duncan of Tennessee, Mr. Westmoreland, and Mr. Huelskamp) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs
[Mr. Yoho and Mr. Duncan of South Carolina are also cosponsors]
To end membership of the United States in the United Nations.
1.Short title
This Act may be cited as the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2015.
2.Repeal of United Nations Participation Act of 1945
The United Nations Participation Act of 1945 (Public Law 79–264; 22 U.S.C. 287 et seq.) is repealed.
(b)Termination of membership in United Nations
The President shall terminate all membership by the United States in the United Nations, and in any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body of the United Nations.
(c)Closure of United States Mission to United Nations
The United States Mission to the United Nations is closed. Any remaining functions of such office shall not be carried out.
3.Repeal of United Nations Headquarters Agreement Act
The United Nations Headquarters Agreement Act (Public Law 80–357) is repealed.
The United States withdraws from the agreement between the United States of America and the United Nations regarding the headquarters of the United Nations (signed at Lake Success, New York, on June 26, 1947, which was brought into effect by the United Nations Headquarters Agreement Act).
4.United States assessed and voluntary contributions to the United Nations
No funds are authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for assessed or voluntary contributions of the United States to the United Nations or to any organ, specialized agency, commission or other formally affiliated body of the United Nations, except that funds may be appropriated to facilitate termination of United States membership and withdrawal of United States personnel and equipment, in accordance with sections 2 and 3, respectively. Upon termination of United States membership, no payments shall be made to the United Nations or to any organ, specialized agency, commission or other formally affiliated body of the United Nations, out of any funds appropriated prior to such termination or out of any other funds available for such purposes.
5.United Nations peacekeeping operations
No funds are authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for any United States contribution to any United Nations military or peacekeeping operation or force.
(b)Terminations of United States participation in United Nations peacekeeping operations.
No funds may be obligated or expended to support the participation of any member of the Armed Forces of the United States as part of any United Nations military or peacekeeping operation or force. No member of the Armed Forces of the United States may serve under the command of the United Nations.
6.Withdrawal of United Nations presence in facilities of the government of the United States and repeal of diplomatic immunity
(a)Withdrawal from United States Government property
The United Nations (including any organ, specialized agency, commission or other formally affiliated body of the United Nations) may not occupy or use any property or facility of the United States Government.
(b)Diplomatic immunity
No officer or employee of the United Nations (including any organ, specialized agency, commission or other formally affiliated body of the United Nations) or any representative, officer, or employee of any mission to the United Nations of any foreign government shall be entitled to enjoy the privileges and immunities of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of April 18, 1961, nor may any such privileges and immunities be extended to any such individual. The privileges, exemptions, and immunities provided for in the International Organizations Immunities Act of December 29, 1945 (59 Stat. 669; 22 U.S.C. 288 et seq.), or in any agreement or treaty to which the United States is a party, including the agreement entitled Agreement Between the United Nations and the United States of America Regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations, signed June 26, 1947 (22 U.S.C. 287 note), and the Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, entered into force with respect to the United States on April 29, 1970 (21 UST 1418; TIAS 6900; UNTS 16), shall not apply to the United Nations or to any organ, specialized agency, commission or other formally affiliated body of the United Nations, to the officers and employees of the United Nations, or of any organ, specialized agency, commission or other formally affiliated body of the United Nations, or to the families, suites, or servants of such officers or employees.
7.Repeal of United States membership and participation in the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
The joint resolution entitled A joint resolution providing for membership and participation by the United States in the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, and authorizing an appropriation therefor, approved July 30, 1946 (Public Law 79–565, 22 U.S.C. 287m et seq.), is repealed.
8.Repeal of United Nations Environment Program Participation Act of 1973
The United Nations Environment Program Participation Act of 1973 (22 U.S.C. 287 note) is repealed.
9.Repeal of United States participation in the World Health Organization
The joint resolution entitled Joint Resolution providing for membership and participation by the United States in the World Health Organization and authorizing an appropriation therefor, approved June 14, 1948 (22 U.S.C. 290), is repealed.
10.Repeal of involvement in United Nations conventions and agreements
Effective on the date of the enactment of this Act, the United States will end any participation in any conventions and agreements with the United Nations and any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body of the United Nations. Any remaining functions of such conventions and agreements shall not be carried out.
11.Reemployment with United States Government after service with an international organization
Nothing in this Act shall be construed to affect the rights of employees under subchapter IV of chapter 35 of title 5, United States Code, relating to reemployment after service with an international organization.
Effective on the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall notify the United Nations and any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body of the United Nations of the provisions of this Act.
13.Effective date
Except as otherwise provided, this Act and the amendments made by this Act shall take effect on the date that is two years after the date of the enactment of this Act.
Call your Congressmen, call your Senators, call your local representatives and tell them that it’s time to embrace our independence and end our membership in the United Nations.
Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Supreme Insider, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Right Journalism. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!