Cultural Shift

This Player Of The Titans Says He’ll Quit If Forced to Stand For the National Anthem! Let’s Show Him What We Think About This!

We live in such a time of disrespect. Back in the day, your parents taught you to respect. If people cannot respect our country and flag…move somewhere where you can! Do I agree with everything in America? NO! But I love my country and I am proud of all the men and women who have and do fight to keep us safe and for our freedoms!

Titans wide receiver Rishard Matthews said he would step away from football if the NFL implements a new rule requiring players to stand for the national anthem.

According to this, in a now-deleted tweet, Matthews threatened:

According to MRC TV:

Matthews says he’s not anti-military but refuses to stand for the anthem in protest of Donald Trump and his comments against NFL protesters who take a knee before games.

Matthews has promised to continue kneeling during the National Anthem until Trump apologizes.

“I plan to kneel until the president apologizes for the comments that he made because I felt like those were very disrespectful comments that he made,” Matthews said on ESPN’s NFL Live Tuesday.

“The league is made up of, I think, … over 70 percent African-Americans, so the people that would be kneeling for this cause would be African-Americans.”

To keep it honest, he was calling a lot of us, and I feel that he was calling myself, an S.O.B., and that’s not OK and very disrespectful. So I plan to kneel until the president apologizes,” he added.

If athletes can’t stand for the national anthem then they don’t deserve playing football and getting paid millions of dollars in this country. These days it is such an embarrassing shame what America has turned into.

My Dearest Rishard: QUIT, Man! And get a real job like the rest of us, who actually have to WORK for a living!! And when you do leave, please take all the folks who PROMISED to leave if Trump became President! As far as I know, NONE have done so! Will you leave as you say you will, or become a hypocrite also? Go, Man, GO!

Titan management – your move now!

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Michelle M.

Michelle is an American conservative author she is committed to the constitutional principles of individual freedom, economic liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, and traditional values. She is a libertarian and provocateur who believes in freedom and liberty for all Americans. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington, while exposing politicians and individuals who wish to do us harm.

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7 years ago

Leave Rishatd and never come back!!!