Cultural Shift

After Ford Announces Support for NFL Anthem Protests, This Sheriff Hits Back With An Epic Response And Patriots Everywhere Are Cheering!

The NFL is now at the epicenter of the culture war. A backlash against traditional American culture is taking the shape of mass protests by NFL players taking a knee during the National Anthem. Conservative Americans are retaliating by delivering the NFL historically low ratings.

A Louisiana sheriff’s office is boycotting Ford’s police cars due to the automaker’s support for the right of NFL players to protest during the playing of the national anthem before games.

“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share. That’s part of what makes America great,” Ford said in a September 25 statement.

According to Breitbart:

In a new letter to Hixson Ford of Alexandria, Louisiana, Sheriff Julian Whittington of the Bossier Parish Sheriff’s Office said his department will no longer purchase Ford cars for his fleet of police cruisers and other service vehicles. Whittington said the decision was a direct result of the carmaker’s support of the anti-American protests, Automotive News reported.

“Ford has been a part of American history, and has stood for American values,” Sheriff Whittington wrote. “However, the recent events surrounding the NFL, its players and their audacity to thumb their collective noses at the American Flag, the American military as well as their obvious disdain for the profession of law enforcement in general; forces me to take a stand.”

In the Facebook post, Sheriff Whittington called on other law enforcement agencies to take a stand against Ford and “the disrespectful National Football League.”

“The recent events surrounding the NFL, its players and their audacity to thumb their collective noses at the American flag, the American military as well as the obvious disdain for the profession of law enforcement in general forces me to take a stand.”

“NFL players have the right to protest as they deem necessary, but we, the Bossier Sheriff’s Office and the taxpayers of Bossier Parish have a right to spend our money elsewhere.”

Thank you for supporting those of us who believe it a privilege to salute the flag of the United States of America while listening to the anthem.

The NFL and the team owners make their choices, WE make ours, and you make yours.

Now let’s all follow suit, hit them where it hurts the most, their wallet. MAGA!!

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Michelle M.

Michelle is an American conservative author she is committed to the constitutional principles of individual freedom, economic liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, and traditional values. She is a libertarian and provocateur who believes in freedom and liberty for all Americans. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington, while exposing politicians and individuals who wish to do us harm.

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Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne
7 years ago

To Louisiana Sheriff Julian Whittington of the Bossier Parish Sheriff’s Office

I thank you for your TRUMPing support

and I’ll remember & honor you Sheriff Whittington

and if possible I would stop by and thank you for supporting our TRUMPing

rights to freely refuse & accept whomever, whatever & whenever all of Us US citizens choses!!!

Thomas Cooke
Thomas Cooke
7 years ago

Way to go Louisiana…..!!!!!!!!!!