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There’s Something Odd About Joe’s “Construction Worker Photo” And The American Working Man Is Not Buying It

President Joe Biden on Tuesday visited the site for a new computer chip plant in Arizona, using it as a chance to emphasize how his policies are fostering job growth in what could be a challenge to the incoming Republican House majority.

Biden has staked his legacy in large part on major investments in technology and infrastructure that were approved by Congress along bipartisan lines. The Democratic president maintains that the factory jobs fostered by $52 billion in semiconductor investments and another $200 billion for scientific research will help to revive the U.S. middle class.

“What I’m most excited about is people are starting to feel a sense of optimism as they see the impact of the achievements in their own lives,” Biden said Tuesday.

His handlers used this chance to make a staged photo-op.
Joe Biden tweeted out a photo on Friday of himself with several “construction workers.”

In the photo, Joe Biden is holding the phone and several construction workers are huddled up next to him.

We made a very keen observation about the photo of Joe with the so-called “workers.”

Everyone looks a little too clean…

Photo below:

The working man is not buying this photo-op
And does anyone really believe that Joe Biden is able to take a group selfie without considerable assistance from Nurse Jill?

There is a video of Joe Biden meeting with construction workers in Arizona.

But the video cut off before the alleged selfie photo. Weird, huh?
Video below:

We really are supposed to buy this? The guy who trips upstairs and gets lost on a stage is taking group selfies? Let us see the photo you took, Joe?
I’m not an expert, but doesn’t it look like he’s standing ON the, guy to the left’s, shadow? Doesn’t even look like a real picture.

Here’s what real workers think of the staged photo-op:

(This post may contain disputed claims. We make no assertions as to the validity of the information presented by our Opinion Columnist. This is an opinion article, and this post should be treated as such. Enjoy.)

Michelle M.

Michelle is an American conservative author she is committed to the constitutional principles of individual freedom, economic liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, and traditional values. She is a libertarian and provocateur who believes in freedom and liberty for all Americans. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington, while exposing politicians and individuals who wish to do us harm.

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Dennis joseph landstrom
Dennis joseph landstrom
2 years ago

They all had time to shine their boots!

2 years ago

Let’s face FACTS, Biden was wrong on most of his decisions. His record proves it!!!!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Crotte

When it comes to Joe a listing of his positive accomplishments is far, far easier to compile. Allow me to demonstrate.
Joe Biden accomplishments after nearly 50 years in government:

1) Raised a son who was in the military.

This concludes today’s listing of all of Joe Biden’s’ lifetime accomplishment!

2 years ago
Reply to  Crotte

downvote this spammer

Just Me
Just Me
2 years ago

This is as fake as when obama had all the fake doctors, actors in white lab coats, for one of his many lying photo shoots.
Fake president, illegitimate administration said all around scammmer
F slo joe and kamel toe

2 years ago
Reply to  Just Me

it really is a fake joe. for real. compare the ears.

2 years ago

The only thing missing is the clipboard and a set of plans. These aren’t construction ‘workers’, They’re supers and inspectors that walk the job pointing their fingers acting and looking important.

2 years ago

Shiny shoe, shiny hats, fake like Ole Joe.

2 years ago

I work in the construction world. Anyone wearing nice shoes is from the office. Also everyone according to OSHA regulations needs to wear proper PPE on an active construction site. Brandon clearly is exempt of course.

2 years ago

Construction workers do not wear street shoes on the job. Look at their feet.

2 years ago

No scuffs or dirt/dust on the work boots either……the obligatory “woman” (does she/he/it identify as such?) is the only one with used boots. Pretty “stout” she is, maybe mostly a newsdesk type?

2 years ago

3 of the supposed workers have a high polish shine on their boots. The hard hats are nice and clean and scratch free. They are all fresh faced and well groomed.
I’m only sorry I missed the casting call for this. Wonder how much they paid.

Every American
2 years ago

Too bad they didn’t throw his treasonous ass over the side. THAT would help America.

2 years ago

All of the vests look brand new, still have the creases from the folds. No gloves, no safety glasses, and none of the boots have any scuff marks. The guy who looks like he might be explaining something has regular shoes on, not boots or even sturdy footwear. Big BS flag on this one.

2 years ago

Good one

Charles S Anthony
Charles S Anthony
2 years ago

Not a proven green screen work-yet-BUT ‘dollars to doughnuts’ the ‘workers’ are all SS men/women/its/ &tc ad nausum

2 years ago

that isnt joe. the ears are different and that is a genetic thing. go find a pic of joe from earlier in his career and you will see. that isnt joe.