SNL Fat-Shames Sarah Sanders Then Removes Her Pants… Her Response Is Classy!
Haven’t watched SNL for years. After making fun of Sarah Sanders’ weight they reminding me why is that so. But, you can be pretty sure that if SNL is going after someone in a mean, vile, lying, nasty way, that person is doing something right!!!
But now SNL went too far and attacked White House press secretary Sara’s confidence. Aidy Bryant parodied Sarah Huckabee Sanders. In a press conference skit, Bryant’s impression of Sanders resorted to singing Demi Lovato track, Confident. The reporters in the scene were portrayed as the adults in the room while Sanders pranced around in a skimpy outfit. Interspersed between her choreography were ridiculous comments made to make Sanders look foolish.
The writers must all be libtards!! Sad they have to demean good women to TRY to BE FUNNY!! Aren’t these people among the first to Complain about people who “bully” other people? I truly despise these Hypocrites with a passion.
People who make fun of intelligent human beings, usually have a low self-concept and respect. I have not seen one of these idiots who show one ounce of integrity what so ever. So with that said, Sarah is the most intelligent person and perfect for the job. No one “rattles” her.
Just goes to show just how idiotic the producer’s of SNL are! That’s why true Patriots in America don’t watch the slanderous show! They all spew crap on SNL, must be all the StarBucks they drink!
But, I don’t think Sarah spends any of her time caring about what liberals have to say. She is doing a wonderful job instead. During SNL’s parody airing, she was busy honoring our military in Japan with Donald Trump.
Such an incredible honor to be with the great men and women at Yokota Air Base in Tokyo, Japan. #POTUSInAsia
— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) November 5, 2017
This way she let the liberal news outlets know how stupid they are and they do not run anything.
Sarah Sanders has more confidence in her pinky than these wannabes ever had or have. People that laugh and make snide remarks of others are the ones missing the pieces of grace, selflessness, and love.
What do you think? Scroll down to leave a comment and SHARE this article if you love our confident press secretary!

Natalie Dagenhardt is an American conservative writer who writes for Right Journalism! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to “stir up the pot,” and does not “pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do,” drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington. She is a “constitutional conservative”.
I could never again vote for a democratic contender. They are the party of ridiculously insanity. They act like this is their last hurrah before they sink into oblivion.
I could never again vote for a democratic contender. They are the party of ridiculous
insanity. They act like this is their last hurrah before they sink into oblivion.
I LOVE Sarah Huckabee Sanders ! She is smart and I love her confidence and that she doesn’t let those idiot reporters rattle her. She sets them straight and tells it like it is. She is the best at what she does and I think she is wonderful !
It should not surprise me that Saturday Night Live has managed to sink to a new low but it does. They continue to try to find more disgusting ways to try to embarrass President Trump, his family, and his staff. I wonder why they never had a negative word to say about the Obama Family.
Sara Sanders has high intelligence and class. I can see the lack of in those who criticize and or make fun of her. That is their jealously and envy showing, loud and clear..:(
They are liberals bullies and cry babies! They should buy stock in pacifier companies. Want a pacifier little baby?
Very distasteful portrayal. These SNL libitards are disgusting!
SNL is in the class with The View…..and many other libtard shows….but hey, keep proving what idiot, lying, procrastinating brainwashed zombies you all are….and we will DEFINITELY have Trump in office for 8 years!!!! Thanks hypocrites!
Love Sarah!!Beautiful inside and out!Shame on SNL for the ugly show and disrespect of her and OUR wonderful POTUS and family and administration!!Do not watch SNL or any of late night hosts that are bashing and disrespectful!!;-(