Political Watch

As The House Speaker Vote Approaches A ‘Unity-Candidate’ Declares His Candidacy

Kevin McCarthy may or may not become the next speaker of the House today. Former Republican congressman and now Libertarian has offered himself as an alternative. 

Justin Amash famously left the Republican party as a result of Donald Trump’s first impeachment trial. He hinted at a presidential run as a Libertarian in 2020, but he ended up not running. But he is still interested in a political career based on his most recent tweets. 

The ex-lawmaker wrote on Tuesday, “Ultimately, though, no member of Congress wants to vote for someone from the other major party. It will alienate them from colleagues in their own party and earn them a contentious primary. The parties are too intrinsically hostile to one another to avoid this situation.”

Amash continued, “That’s why I’m offering myself as an alternative, independent choice for speaker. I’m not a member of either party in the House, and I’ve championed legislative process reforms under both Republican and Democratic leadership. Most important, I can be trusted to stick to my word.”

Amash then goes on to offer himself up as someone who can work with Democrats and Republicans, garnering the votes needed to secure the role of Speaker and returning the House to regular business.

The plea from Amash may be a sensible one, but it is likely to be ignored by Republicans. The former Michigan Rep. made himself a pariah within his party by going against Trump and is not well thought of by the GOP. 
Democrats have been batting that idea around for a while, and now they have a name to put with their theory
Republicans might not like McCarthy but this option is a lot worse!

Mark Van der Veen

Mark Van der Veen offers some of the most analytical and insightful writings on politics. He regularly opines on the motives and political calculations of politicians and candidates, and whether or not their strategy will work. Van der Veen offers a contrast to many on this list by sticking mainly to a fact-based style of writing that is generally combative with opposing ideologies.

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2 years ago

Trust this man only as far as you, by yourself, can physically throw him.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Tom
2 years ago
