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Video: Trump Comes Up With a New Name for Biden During a Rally in Virginia—It’s Spot On

The Democratic Party has a monstrous credibility issue with its own voters now, given President Joe Biden’s devastating performance Thursday night during the first 2024 presidential debate. Seeing was not only believing — it was unifying and telling.

And what it told Biden voters and potential Biden voters was that Biden’s day is over. The mask of lies he’s been hiding behind, the one Republican voters have been talking about all along, finally fell off. The shell that remained smelled of a shadow government and deceit. This time, Democratic voters got their whiff.

Trump went on a victory rally in Virginia!

Former President Donald Trump kicked off his rally in Chesapeake, Virginia, on Friday afternoon with a series of pointed remarks aimed at President Joe Biden, following their highly anticipated debate. Trump’s comments were met with enthusiastic cheers from the crowd, as he wasted no time critiquing Biden’s performance and debate preparation.

“We had a big victory against a man who is looking to destroy our country,” Trump declared, addressing the packed rally. He then mocked Biden’s well-documented debate preparation with his former Chief-of-Staff, Ron Klain, at Camp David. “He studied so hard that he didn’t know what the hell he was doing,” Trump quipped, drawing laughter and applause from his supporters.

Throughout the rally, Trump continued to lampoon Biden’s debate prep, even attempting an impersonation of the President. “Leave me alone, I’m studying for debate. I wanna sleep and study—that’s all I’m going to do for 10 days while the world is going to hell,” Trump said, mimicking Biden’s supposed approach to preparing for their encounter.

Trump went on to criticize the conditions under which the debate was held, suggesting that Biden had everything in his favor. “He got the debate rules that he wanted. He got the date that he wanted. He got the network that he wanted with the moderators he wanted. No amount of rest or rigging could help him defend his atrocious record,” Trump asserted.

During the rally, President Donald Trump unleashed a barrage of criticisms at President Joe Biden including a new nickname!

“In the wake of the debate where Joe lied his head off, I’ve got a new name for him,” Trump announced with a smirk. “From now on, he’s ‘Lyin’ Joe.'”


The nickname, intended to highlight what Trump alleges are falsehoods and misrepresentations by Biden during the debate, was met with enthusiastic cheers and applause from the rally attendees. Trump’s characterization plays into his longstanding strategy of branding his opponents with memorable monikers.

The rally in Virginia marks another chapter in the heated rivalry between Trump and Biden, as the former President seeks to capitalize on perceived weaknesses in Biden’s leadership. Trump’s biting commentary and confident demeanor resonated with his base, underscoring his ongoing influence in the political landscape and his readiness for a potential rematch in the upcoming election.

As the campaign trail heats up, both candidates are expected to ramp up their efforts to sway undecided voters and solidify their support. Trump’s aggressive tactics and sharp critiques highlight the intense competition and high stakes of this election cycle, promising a contentious and closely watched battle ahead.

Mark Van der Veen

Mark Van der Veen offers some of the most analytical and insightful writings on politics. He regularly opines on the motives and political calculations of politicians and candidates, and whether or not their strategy will work. Van der Veen offers a contrast to many on this list by sticking mainly to a fact-based style of writing that is generally combative with opposing ideologies.