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Video: A Group Of Black People And A Group Of White People Were Asked If They Were “Proud To Be Black/White” – Their Answers Reveal The Absolute State Of “Modern” America

According to the FBI Crime Data Explorer, hate crime offenses with an anti-white bias have reached their highest levels in 20 years.

There were 1,072 such hate crime offenses last year — the most since 2000, when there were 1,088. These hate crimes tend to go under the radar because the media, politicians, pundits, academicians, and other “experts” tend to play up such stories only when they advance a leftist narrative about the ubiquity and danger of white supremacy.

The Left’s rhetoric has been replete with racialist, and just plain racist, anti-white rhetoric, which has really picked up in the last five years. This includes all the insinuations that whites living today are privileged and thus culpable for racist violence by other whites, both living and long dead.

Racism is properly defined as antipathy toward or discrimination against people on the basis of their race. Perhaps it’s easier to recognize when you see people apply the logic of resentment and stereotypes to blacks or other nonwhite groups, but collective resentment and punishment of entire groups of people for no reason other than their race are completely racist ideas, no matter what ethnic group they belong to.

In that context, the fact that more and more white people are being targeted for violence comes as no surprise. The popular woke message nowadays is that they deserve it.

And a video that it’s slowly becoming viral on social media a group of black people and a group of white people were asked if they were “proud to be black/white,” their answers revealed the absolute state of “modern-day” America.

Video below:

The video is constantly removed from social media giants without any reasonable explanation!

I think when people complain about CRT, this is what they are really trying to emphasize. Not the history itself, but the deconstruction of the self-worth of children whose skin color today happens to be white. You can be proud to be any skin tone other than white.

Someday we will quit identifying ourselves through levels of skin pigment and focus on Individual Content of Character but obviously, this video demonstrates we have a long way to go in the evolution of the human race.

“White guilt” is another made-up term by the far left used to divide this country by a fringe group of people that in the grand scheme of things are completely irrelevant.

Liberals and Democrats style themselves as defenders of racial equality (or “equity,” if you must). But when they use their platforms to attack and denigrate white people because of their race, they are encouraging precisely the kind of hate crimes that FBI data show just hit a record high.

(This post may contain disputed claims. We make no assertions as to the validity of the information presented by our Opinion Columnist. This is an opinion article, and this post should be treated as such. Enjoy.)

Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Supreme Insider, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Right Journalism. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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1 year ago

Very disheartening. Especially when people of European descent have made most of the great technological progress of the last several centuries.

Bill in Houston
Bill in Houston
1 year ago

I’m very proud to be a White, conservative, straight male!

1 year ago

Look at what Western civilization has brought to the world. Yes, I am proud to be white.

RockyMtn 1776
RockyMtn 1776
1 year ago

Most black people do not hate white people. Most white people do not hate black people.
There are good and bad people in all races. We are all God’s children.

1 year ago
Reply to  RockyMtn 1776

We are not ‘all God’s children’. God has only one begotten Son. That Son is Jesus and that Son is Truth and said only those who have been born again shall see and enter God’s kingdom (heaven). See The Gospel of the Apostle John, Chapter 3 for that revelation!

Dano S.
Dano S.
1 year ago
Reply to  RockyMtn 1776

I don’t think you know what you are talking about. I’ve experienced plenty of race hatred from blacks. Even ones that were supposedly my friends. I’ve overheard their conversations wit their black friends when they thought no one could hear them. On the other hand, conversations with my white friends have never been about blacks.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dano S.

“If your conversations with your white friends are never about blacks, you’re obviously all racists, because you’re not acknowledging their being.”

…would say every racist leftist.

1 year ago

I’m proud to have brown eyes!!!! If that sounds ridiculous to you, you’re right. Why should anyone be proud of something they have no responsibility for or control over?

KS Man
KS Man
1 year ago

Staged video.

1 year ago

None of us have anything to do with what color we were born with! But we do have everything to do with the kind of character we develop. What claim can I make on the color of my skin?
The color of my skin was given to me, I didn’t choose it. God gave it to me. I am what color I am and I refuse to play that stupid game. It divides people. I try to be an honest, good, kind person. That’s what is most important, not what color one is.

Dano S.
Dano S.
1 year ago

Pretty much what I would expect from this generation. All the brainwashing in schools and media is having an effect.

1 year ago

Black Lives Matter unless it is a black baby in it’s mother’s womb, then it deserves to be killed.