
REVEALED! Obama’s State Department Made Deal With Hillary Clinton to Keep Call Log, Schedules Secret

Time and patience will uncover the depth of how much damage Obama has done to our Republic. Obama’s Administration was one of the most corrupt in U.S. history. And Hillary was a large part of their track record as such.
But, the hits just keep on coming!

Now, newly received documents revealed further corruption in the Obama administration and with Clinton. These documents reveal that Obama State Department allowed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her top aide, Huma Abedin, to remove sensitive documents that were not to be made public records, according to Judicial Watch.

Judicial Watch received the records on Thursday in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that sought all DS-1904 forms completed by or on behalf of Former Secretary Hillary Clinton, Former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, Former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin, and Former Deputy Chief of Staff Jacob Sullivan. Some records were deemed to be personal correspondence, but other records that were removed included Clinton’s official schedules and call logs, Ed Henry reported on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

Clinton and Abedin were permitted to remove both electronic and physical records, claiming “they were ‘personal’ materials and ‘unclassified, non-record materials,’ including files of Clinton’s calls and schedules, which were not to be made public.”

In a statement, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said: “We already know the Obama State Department let Hillary Clinton steal and then delete her government emails, which included classified information. But these new records show that was only part of the scandal. These new documents show the Obama State Department had a deal with Hillary Clinton to hide her calls logs and schedules, which would be contrary to FOIA and other laws.”

The Daily Wire reported: “Electronic records Clinton was allowed to remove:

Copy of “daily files.”
Non-record copy of a log of calls the Secretary made since 2004.
Official and personal copy of the Secretary’s “call grid” which is a running list of calls she wants to make.
Physical records Clinton was allowed to remove:

16 boxes of personal schedules from 1993-2008 (prior to her becoming Secretary of State).
29 boxes of miscellaneous public schedules ranging from her time as FLOTUS all the way up to her appointment at the State Department.
1 box of personal reimbursable receipts.
1 box of personal photos.
1 box personal schedule.
Personal correspondence.
Daily file binders.
Gift binders.
Gifts (actual).
Topic binders.

Electronic records Abedin was allowed to remove:

Outlook contacts.
Physical records Abedin was allowed to remove (5 boxes):

Travel Records
Muslim Engagement Documents
Newspaper Articles
Gift Archive Binder
FLOTUS “Courtesy Storage/Box Content List” Binder
CODEL Trips Binder
Menu Cards & Table Arrangement Binder
Personal Event Planner (2001 thru 2011)

“The originals of some Clinton documents were retained, such as the call logs and schedules,” Judicial Watch reports. “For other records, including material that predates Clinton’s tenure, there is no indication that a copy was made. The most significant of these are her personal correspondence and gift binders, which could reflect Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative ties.”

Fitton concluded his statement by asking, “When are the American people going to get an honest investigation of the Clinton crimes?”

Hillary and Obama both need to be in prison! There’s a MOUNTAIN of evidence compiled over the years of the Clinton/Obama cartel. And now this… they are trying so hard to hide what they were doing in their possible criminal actions.

They both should have been locked up long ago. But it looks like they’re too busy chasing dreamed up crimes President Trump DIDN’T commit to going after Hillary and the Obama Administration for crimes they DID commit.

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Natalie Dagenhardt

Natalie Dagenhardt is an American conservative writer who writes for  Right Journalism! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington. She is a "constitutional conservative".

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alfy burch
alfy burch
6 years ago

All this crap has been going on for a year and no charges yet. Corrupt government judicial system.