New York Governor Grants 35,000 Paroled Felons Right To Vote, GOP Says This Is Illegal!
The Democratic party os a party who no longer cares for America, it’s all about power.
They are called “The Party Of Hate” for a reason.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo vowed Wednesday to grant voting rights to tens of thousands of paroled felons to be precise 35,000 paroled felons were granted the right to vote., arguing that they’ve paid their debt to society and should have the ability to cast a ballot.
The move by the second-term Democrat came after state Republicans blocked a bill in the state Senate.
“I’m unwilling to take no for an answer,” Cuomo said at the annual convention of the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network in New York City. “I’m going to make it law by executive order.”
Cuomo unveiled the executive order during a speech at the National Action Network’s annual conference Wednesday in Manhattan.
“In this state, when you’re released from prison and you’re on parole, you still don’t have the right to vote,” Cuomo, who is seeking re-election this year, said at the conference.
“Now how can that be? You did your time. You paid your debt. You’re released, but you still don’t have a right to vote.”
Cuomo said that nearly three-fourths of parolees in New York are black or Latino, and allowing parolees to vote will help them to reconnect with the community.
But Republicans disagree and already started pouncing on Cuomo over the new measure. Republican Senate Leader John Flanagan said Wednesday that the order was bad public policy and could potentially be illegal because the governor ignored the Legislature.
Ed Cox, chairman of the state Republican Party, in a statement, called the directive an “outrageous power grab” in a bid to appeal to “radical primary voters,” according to the New York Times.
Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan, R-Suffolk County, said Cuomo had never brought the issue up during recently completed budget negotiations.
But Flanagan did say Republicans would have strenuously opposed it. He questioned whether it’s legal and accused Cuomo of running an end-around on the Legislature.
“This will give rapists and murderers voting privileges that they shouldn’t have and they don’t deserve,” Flanagan told reporters.
Mike Long, the chairman of the state Conservative Party, ripped Cuomo’s plan and said he believes it is illegal.
Prior to Cuomo’s order, those convicted of a felony and sentenced to incarceration were unable to vote in New York until completing their prison sentence and parole.
Do you think that this is illegal?
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Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Supreme Insider, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Right Journalism. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
No guns…that’s how it should be…..felons can apply for these rights on a one by one basis…..that’s how it is now and should stay
The laws already in place.. A felon is not allowed to vote…working elections several years back.. we were able to screen the voter registration applications. Felons were rejected and given notice.. This so called Governor wants to allow these felons the right so that will increase the Democratic base..Their Constitutional Rights have not been restored. They were not law abiding citizens that are still felons.
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Reallistically! How many felons are going to be thinking about politicians and voting when they get out of jail? Democrats are on serious drugs if they are depending on felons to vote for them! How many inmates get out of jail and then end up right back in jail the next month?