Mother Gives Birth To A Real-Life ‘Mermaid’ (Photos)
The half-woman, half-fish of legends has long tantalized seafarers. Some say that the legend must be true, otherwise why would it exist? More pragmatic types suggest that the “mermaid” is merely a dugong or some other aquatic mammal.
Here’s a baby mermaid birth “confirmed”
A mother astonished doctors when she gave birth to India’s second ever ‘mermaid baby’ but sadly lost it just four hours later.
The unnamed baby, whose sex was unclear due to its underdeveloped pelvis and fused legs, suffered from a rare condition known as sirenomelia or ‘mermaid syndrome’.
Muskura Bibi, 23, gave birth naturally on Wednesday morning at the government-run Chittaranjan Deva Sadan Hospital in Kolkata, eastern India.
Ms Bibi had been unable to afford any scans during her pregnancy and therefore only learnt about the baby’s condition when she first saw it after giving birth.
Dr Sudip Saha, child specialist at the hospital said: ‘The parents are a labour couple and had not sought proper medication during pregnancy due to lack of money.
‘Lack of proper nutrition and improper blood circulation to the baby from the mother can create this kind of abnormality’.
Soooo sad! As a dad, I cannot imagine the pain and sadness of the family. Especially Mom and Dad!
My deepest condolences to the family. RIP little angel. You have your place in Heaven.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Supreme Insider, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Right Journalism. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!