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JUST IN! Hannity Issues Urgent Warning, Every Conservative Need To Hear This! (Video)

Sean Hannity is one of the last few warriors that support PresidentTrump and our conservative cause!
We are now all aware that ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC are all liberal news stations with the goal of destroying Donald Trump, the President of the US. They wouldn’t know the truth if it stared them in the face. Sean Hannity knows this so well, and that is why he always tells the truth!

In a recent monologue, he explained a critical message for members of Congress.

President Donald Trump’s next move is to advance a tax reform plan for the American people, one that would improve the lives of Americans. Much like health care and immigration, Republican members of Congress are having trouble coming to an agreement. On his show, Hannity pointed out that “If this tax plan gets delayed to 2019 and you lose your majority in Congress next year, you’ll have nobody to blame but yourself.”

One of the most common claims made by ineffective Congressmen is that President Trump is causing a divide in the country and it is for that reason they can’t pass tax reform. The only problem is the divide exists because Congress is allowing it to happen.

As Hannity pointed out, Congress has an obligation to the American people. Their goal is to serve the people that they represent, not simply their political parties.

Hannity’s prime-time Fox News show at 10 p.m. — which consistently earns stellar ratings — has been a constant voice of support for President Trump amid a sharply critical media environment. Hannity’s unflappable support for Trump has made him a prime target for Media Matters and other activists on the left.

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Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Supreme Insider, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Right Journalism. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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Shirley Byers
Shirley Byers
7 years ago

Yes, I do agree. Every Trump supporter needs to write or call their Reps/Sen and tell them we are aware of the delays and refusals to work together. We will vote our stand for Trump and new blood. They have been uncovered and their wrinkles are plain to see. Stand with President Trump and those who are loyal to him and the for America First.

Eudeanne Bramson
Eudeanne Bramson
7 years ago

President Trump is a strong personality to have to put up with the daily lies and made up derogatory stories the other side seems to dream up, not able to accept a loss with their childish pouting behaviors! He has done so much in this first year that they refuse to acknowledge ! However, the truth can not be changed. He loves America and works for the people unselfishly which is a big improvement from the last eight years!

rose m nelson
rose m nelson
7 years ago

Sean is one tv host that tells the truth…listen up folks…he is serious..we need to stand together or we will be one sorry nation if the Dems win over this one…Also you spineless republicans better get this tax reform passed or you also will be sorry…

7 years ago

There is only one news station and that is Fox News, all of the other so called news stations should be removed and should be shut down. I watch Fox News because i want the truth about whats happening in this goverment and other things President Trump is doing for this USA and a brought in other countries.

Tony K
7 years ago

Corker is through…Alexander,your next