The Internet Blows Up Over This Gay Nativity Scene
A new picture book will depict Santa as a gay man in an interracial relationship, publisher Harper Design confirmed Tuesday.
The book, Santa’s Husband, went on sale Oct. 10 and tells the story of a black Santa Claus and his white husband who both live in the North Pole. Santa’s spouse frequently fills in for his husband at malls, according to a description of the book Harper Design provided to TIME.
Daniel Kibblesmith, who is a staff writer for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and co-author of How to Win at Everything, penned the parody children’s book after tweeting in December that he would only tell his future child Santa was black. “If they see a white one, we’ll say ‘That’s his husband,’” Kibblesmith wrote.
From The Daily Wire:
Apparently, 2017 has become the year of the gay Christmas characters. On top of this children’s book depicting a gay Santa in a biracial marriage, we now have a gay Nativity scene — or “Gaytivity,” if you will — featuring two Josephs kneeling over the baby Jesus.
Here’s how a glowing Refinery 29 article described the scene: “What if it wasn’t Mary and Joesph who met their child that night, but instead Murray and Joseph? Or Marty and Joseph?”
Except that would be virtually impossible, because neither “Marty” nor Joseph could bear a child in their womb. It also wouldn’t go over well with Jewish law at the time. Not that any of that matters, since the display simply exists to mock the very idea of Christmas itself — that a virgin birth from a woman’s womb could bring about the salvation of the world.
It makes sense for the LGBTQ crowd to wave their pom-poms for it, but why the feminists of Refinery 29? Nothing says “boys club” quite like two dudes fathering the most influential human being — who’s also male — throughout all of history, while women are nowhere to be found.
Erected in California, the “Gaytivity” scene was discovered by queer comedienne Cameron Esposito, who quickly posted it to Twitter to say she was “beaming” at the Christianity-mocking scene. The Twitterverse soon followed her lead:
Our neighbors’ two Joseph nativity is up & I’m beaming 🎄👬
— Cameron Esposito (@cameronesposito) November 24, 2017
man the birth of jesus was DEFINITELY a miracle now
— Merry Magdalene Visaggio (@MagsVisaggs) November 25, 2017
Now THAT’s what I call an immaculate conception!
— theLwordmademegay (@Lwordmademepod) November 25, 2017
Salesperson: Sirs, it comes with the whole set, I can’t sell you two Josephs.
Later: Gays high-fiving lesbian neighbors as there are now two same-sex nativity sets on their block.
— Moxie Jane (@shamemystalker) November 25, 2017
We’re wearing the same outfit!
I told you what I was wearing so this wouldn’t happen!— Sgt. Laughter™ (@ilovemmasobad) November 25, 2017
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Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Supreme Insider, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Right Journalism. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!