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Georgia Rally Disaster: Springsteen’s “Painful” Singing Leaves Ears Bleeding, Yet the Main Star’s Reception Was Even Colder! (Video)

Kamala Harris’s Georgia rally on Thursday night was supposed to be an electrifying event, hyped up with none other than rock legend Bruce Springsteen performing his 1980s classic Dancing in the Dark. The media had been buzzing about it for days, but what happened on stage was something nobody could have predicted—and Harris probably wishes they hadn’t hyped it up at all.

Springsteen’s performance was downright painful. His rendition of Dancing in the Dark sounded like an impersonation gone wrong; his voice was strained, the guitar was off, and the entire performance seemed like a bad joke. As Bruce sang the line, “There’s a joke here somewhere and it’s on me,” he may not have realized how true that felt. TDS, or “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” seems to have taken its toll, leaving even fans wondering what happened to the once-vibrant rocker.


Reactions on social media were quick to criticize the shocking display, and clips of the “disaster” performance went viral in minutes.

But the coldest reception of the night was reserved for the main act—Kamala Harris. As Springsteen wrapped up, a stream of people started making their way out, leaving Harris to address a thinning crowd. Undeterred, she shouted her slogan, “It’s time to turn the page!” to a dwindling audience who seemed less than inspired by her rallying cry.

In what was meant to be a high-energy campaign boost, Harris’s Georgia rally turned into a tone-deaf debacle that might do more harm than good. You can watch the exit video here:

Mark Van der Veen

Mark Van der Veen offers some of the most analytical and insightful writings on politics. He regularly opines on the motives and political calculations of politicians and candidates, and whether or not their strategy will work. Van der Veen offers a contrast to many on this list by sticking mainly to a fact-based style of writing that is generally combative with opposing ideologies.

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2 months ago

For Sprinsteen —-there is a time for all season!!!!! Bruce you are way way past your winter years!!!!!!

2 months ago

I accidentally clicked it on as Springsteen was TORTURING his own song. I didn’t linger.

2 months ago

Seem to recall another event where the crowd left after the performer finished. Leaving Kamala to blather to an almost empty venue. Guess her campaign didn’t learn anything from that experience. lol.

2 months ago

If you want Kamala to feel your pain, VOTE TRUMP at the first opportunity!

2 months ago

Screw Bruce, he has milk his 15 minutes of fame to it’s bloody knees. Bruce go drink and drive your bike at very high speeds. Someday a band will write a song like,”Jame Dean”, about you.

Willie Goree
Willie Goree
2 months ago

He showed his true colors a raving leftist no talent performing for a haitian/hindu who hates the usa.

2 months ago

I like the guys music but maybe he should quit the tour part of it. Bruces joke biteme moment.

2 months ago

Bruce, I liked your music, but stopped buying any of it 20 years ago when you did Bruce Unplugged, I saw you at the HP Pavilion, in SJ, it was awful, like your opinions, you should have kept them to yourself or amongst friends. Now, I see this with Harris, and I figure, this is your karma.