
CNN’s Own Legal Analyst Dashes Their Collusion Narrative – Reminds Them Of Hillary’s Colusion With The Rusians (Video)

Democrats have no shame. The mainstream media will do everything they can in an effort to undermine our President’s reputation among the American people. Especially CNN.

Will CNN ever decide to tell the truth and remove the moron show hosts they have?

On Monday, CNN analyst Ross Garber said that Donald Trump Jr.’s Trump Tower meeting with Russians was probably not illegal. Watch the video below!

Via The Daily Caller:

Some analysts have argued the Trump Tower meeting is a violation of election law, which prevents campaigns from accepting any “thing of value” from a foreign national.

“I think there’s actually a fairly good argument that it’s not illegal, that information would not be considered by the courts to be a ‘thing of value,’ largely because of the First Amendment,” Garber explained.

Garber also compared the meeting to the Clinton campaign paying for the infamous Steele dossier, which was at least in part compiled with the help of Russian nationals.

“Then the other thing the president points out, fairly, is if the information is a thing of value, well then what about the information that came from Russian nationals and to the Clinton campaign and the DNC through Steele? That’s a fair point,” Garber asserted.

“In the Clinton situation there is information coming from Russian nationals to the Clinton campaign through somebody else,” Garber reiterated.

You can watch from 7:10 to 7:50.

Hillary Clinton took $400 million from a Russian firm. She profited off of the sale of 20% of our country’s uranium to Russia. The Clinton Foundation is nothing but a money laundering apparatus with 48 shell companies underneath it that she used to move money around to make all of her illegal activity look legal. She also sold the Intel and the schematics of our computer systems that operate our Navy ships and or Air Force jets to foreign entities a.k.a. China.

And Iran which is prob how an Iranian vessel was able to capture one of our navy ships, handcuff our sailors and parade them around on tv, and which is probably why she had a wide open server in her basement to make getting this intel easier. She accepted money for favors while she was Secretary of State. She’s also implicated in the largest child sex trafficking ring in the world. She left our seals and our ambassador to die in Benghazi and stole hundreds of millions of dollars from the Haitian people that she collected thru the Clinton foundation that was supposed to e used to rebuild Haiti after the earthquake.

These are just some of the facts people, and for those of you that refused to see the truth about this evil woman and keep propping her up.

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Michelle M.

Michelle is an American conservative author she is committed to the constitutional principles of individual freedom, economic liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, and traditional values. She is a libertarian and provocateur who believes in freedom and liberty for all Americans. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington, while exposing politicians and individuals who wish to do us harm.