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BREAKING NEWS: Gold Star Widow Releases Audio Of Phone Call With Trump (Video)

You cannot reason with an unreasonable person. You cannot use logic to argue with someone who used no logic in forming their opinions. You cannot use truth to defeat someone who will dismiss the truth regardless of the amount of truth you present. In short: it is futile to argue with liberals. They will never admit they’re wrong.

Our fallen soldiers and veterans and their families should be treated with our utmost respect. Our ELECTED President is a GOOD man who knows and respects that and he would never hurt a spouse of a fallen soldier.

Unfortunately, this week U.S. Rep Frederica Wilson made headlines when she slammed President Trump for his conversation with the widow of an American soldier killed in Niger.

Wilson said that Trump told the widow her late husband “knew what he signed up for.” Trump denied that, though the mother of the soldier confirmed the account of the lawmaker.

It seems this is just another lie coming out of the liberals and their fake news! Because there are more and more people that come out to prove that President Trump did call them!

According to The Daily Caller.

Gold star widow Natasha De Alencar released the audio of a phone conversation she had with President Donald Trump in April about the death of her husband who was killed in Afghanistan.

“I am so sorry to hear about the whole situation. What a horrible thing, except that he’s an unbelievable hero,” Trump told her in the call about her husband Army Staff Sgt. Mark R. De Alencar, which The Washington Post released.

“Thank you. I really, really appreciated it,” she said. “I really do, sir.”

Trump also told the widow if she is ever in Washington D.C. that she is welcome in the Oval Office.
“If you’re around Washington, you come over and see me in the Oval Office,” he said. “You just come over and see me because you are just the kind of family … this is what we want.”

“Say hello to your children, and tell them your father he was a great hero that I respected,” Trump said. “Just tell them I said your father was a great hero.”
Here’s the clip:

You are now a hero of these United States! I feel so sad you had to release such a private call, because of our fake media. God bless you and your family!

Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Supreme Insider, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Right Journalism. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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Synda Lowe
Synda Lowe
7 years ago

Paul Ryan makes me sick! He is a joke! President Trump could get so much more done, if Ryan would help the President! Instead Ryan tries to build himself up and make jokes about our President, and he is absolutely shows no respect for him and our Country. I knew from the very beginning with Ryan’s mannerism was all wrong towards our President. What goes around will come around and the truth will be known about Ryan!! Then we have Obama slamming ourPresident Trump. Obamais the person that has divided this Country with his shadow Hillary! Do a little research in to all the corruption they have been involved in together! The laws they have broken! All the stack of lies they have told! Us deplorable people are not stupid! We can see right through all this 8 years of shit that you did to this Country and the people! We will not stand and let this continue. There are people in the right places, working with President Donald Trump, that will take care of all the things that this group has tried to put in place to ruin this Country! You did nothing for our Country Obama. I think you and your criminal friends, need to move out of this Country. Go back to Yemen or where we don’t have to look at your sorry ass! Take all your Hollywood idiots anyone that has your beliefs in what’s good for our Country! Because you had 8 years to do good and you just about ruined it! You are a disgrace. This Country needs to ship your ass out of here and quite a few others. We are finished with your idiotic ways! Please Gooooooooooooo!! Move out of the way!