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Actor Kevin Costner Condemns Trump’s Border Policy: ”Right Now We Are Acting Really Small” (VIDEO)

It amazes me how people are pissed that our govt officials are enforcing the law. It is like they don’t want to understand that the law is the law. On Tuesday, actor Kevin Costner appeared on ABC’s “The View” where she shared his view on the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance border control policy.

Costner said: “Yeah you know, it’s — it doesn’t start with that either, but that’s suddenly right between our eyes. You know, this is a hard thing to say, but I don’t— I’m not recognizing America right now. I don’t recognize its voice. I don’t recognize any individual statements. I feel people going with the flow, and there’s people right in the middle and I —we’re in really— we’re in a really weird spot, and it takes a high level of compassion, empathy and intelligence to work our way out of this.”

He added: “Separating people with no plan when those children can’t even speak English —can you imagine the terror besides just being separated? So we have to do better. We’ve been about more. We can be about more and right now we are acting really small.”

So let me see if I’ve got this straight… Because Central American parents have made the conscious decision to take, or even ship-off unaccompanied, their own minor children into the U.S. through the back door, (i.e. willfully breaking our nation’s laws), Costner says “I’m not recognizing America”…

And then once these parents have willingly thrown their own children, or other illegeals’ children, into this dangerous and unlawful predicament, a self-inflicted predicament that is FAR more dangerous than what any DCFS agency would ever tolerate from any American parent without forcibly removing THAT parent’s children, Kevin Coster says “I’m not recognizing America”.. And to top it all off, Costner actually has the gaul to spout out this self-serving drivel even though we are currently feeding, clothing, and caring for these criminal’s children at a huge taxpayer expense….

Since the U.S. was founded as “a nation of laws, not men”, to quote founding father John Adams, I can only conclude that Kevin Coster is “not recognizing America” because for the first time in many many years, a duly elected sitting U.S. president is actually following through with his sworn duty to uphold the Constitution and the laws of our nation.. Now THAT’s messed up, Kevin!

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Natalie Dagenhardt

Natalie Dagenhardt is an American conservative writer who writes for  Right Journalism! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington. She is a "constitutional conservative".

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Vickie March
Vickie March
6 years ago

Well if they would come into the state legally they would not be in this dilemma…they have a choice and that is do things lawfully or get what is coming to them…they are not above the law…these people are not dreamers they are sneakier ….DO IT LEGALLY

6 years ago
Reply to  Vickie March

say what you want but I assume you feel it is okay with Planned Parenthood ripping the babies away from their mother. Trump signed and EO to put it back to basically what it was but he is still getting critized.
Also Peter Fonda was a big jerk for talking about Barron Trump who is only 12 years old wanting to put him with really bad people or Sarah Sanders children. Guess all that is okay with you. Sad our country has become a creepy place as well as the Democrats will not vote for anything that Trump puts thru. Guess Schumer has told them they have to do it his way which is sick.
Trump is trying but sounds like you are against him also. Sad we have become a country like this when all Obama wanted to do was destroy us and came real close to it.

6 years ago

This country is doomed because of idiots like Costa supporting criminals and the lawlessness that they bring to this country
Sniveling disgraceful divisive deceitful despicable disrespectful behavior by people like Costa will destroy this country eventually but as long as Trump and his supporters are around that won’t happen to soon

Lynn B
Lynn B
6 years ago

Well Big Man you have Millions and Millions of Dollars — Several Houses — Why the F don’t YOU take these people into YOUR home and Feed, Cloth, provide Medical, Dental, Vision Etc — NO?? then STFU We have people right here in the United States that need help — but I don’t see any of you POS Celebrities \ Liberals Donating a F*cking thing — least of all you MONEY !! Your new show looked interesting — Now you can Shove it up you Privileged Azz !!

Martin Lutero Bezerra
Martin Lutero Bezerra
6 years ago

Kevin Costner should say: I do not recognize this kind of Totally Irresponsible Parents..to send Unaccompanied Children with strangers or even get the Illegal Road risking their Family Lives!
Mr Costner lost a precious chance to state something really Relevant and intelligent! These Liberals are once again taking advantage of something they do not care about just to obstruct President Trump!

Warren Julian
Warren Julian
6 years ago

A great actor that i am now forced to boycott.

The solution is in our Congress. The must unite long enough to pass any kind of bill that will solve the problem. The president will sign it. Unfortunately the democrats are stalling for political benefits.

Mary Ann mOTTER
6 years ago

After watching your program on Paridise last night I know longer think much of your acting. It is a disgrace the sex and your lan guage is a disgrace. We turned it off and no longer will watch it anymore. Rather watchcartoons. Thank you very much. Clean up your own house before you bitch about Trump.

Joan Hansen
6 years ago

Another Hollywood elite liberal . Another who I will not support by seeing his films. I think they should not make public statements about politics., they are only actors after all ,maybe they are acting.