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Videos: Biden Wanders Away From Podium Mid-Presser Then Says That Every Single Hospital Bed Will Be Occupied By An Alzheimer’s Patient In 15 Years

President Joe Biden’s $6 trillion budget proposal for next year would run a $1.8 trillion federal government deficit despite a raft of new tax increases on corporations and high-income people designed to pay for his ambitious spending plans.

“Now is the time to build (upon) the foundation that we’ve laid to make bold investments in our families and our communities and our nation,” Biden said Thursday in an appearance in Cleveland to tout his economic plans. “We know from history that these kinds of investments raise both the floor and the ceiling over the economy for everybody.”

While speaking at Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland at one point he wandered away from the lectern and looked lost.

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After the fiasco, Biden went on to say that every single hospital bed will be occupied by an Alzheimer’s patient in 15 years!

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Biden probably was speaking for himself as the “President” forgot what DARPA stands for.

Biden said DARPA stands for “Defense Applied Application Research.”

Actually, DARPA stands for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

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We are talking about the man who allegedly received 81 million votes.

Mark Van der Veen

Mark Van der Veen offers some of the most analytical and insightful writings on politics. He regularly opines on the motives and political calculations of politicians and candidates, and whether or not their strategy will work. Van der Veen offers a contrast to many on this list by sticking mainly to a fact-based style of writing that is generally combative with opposing ideologies.