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Video: Bloomberg On Texas Church Shooting-Only Cops Should Have Guns And Decide When To Shoot

Two people have died and one person is in critical condition after a shooting at the West Freeway Church of Christ in northwest Texas.

The shooter was prevented from creating more carnage by armed members of the church, several of whom drew their own weapons in response to his attack, as well as a security guard. It has now been confirmed that the gunman was shot and is one of the two people killed.

The Democrats didn’t waste any time and decided to attack gun laws once again.

Former New York mayor and 2020 democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg went one step further.

While speaking in Montgomery, Alabama, Bloomberg spoke about the shooting, giving his opinion on the heroic actions of armed citizen Jack Wilson.

And he had this to say:

“It’s the job of law enforcement to have guns and to decide when to shoot. You just do not want the average citizen carrying a gun in a crowded place.”

How this would make sense, even to the most hardcore ‘more gun control would help’ person, is beyond my capacity of thinking.
Video below:

Another BOZO! Here we RESPECT our 2nd Amendment RIGHTS. We ‘carry’ legally and PROUDLY.

We carry our handguns/sidearms in a concealed manner, according to law, and although here, open carry is allowed, we tuck our weapons out of sight out of respect for those who get nervous around firearms. One mass shooter shows intention to do harm, however, and formerly concealed weapons appear and that shooter is DOWN! Innocent people are safe again.

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Natalie Dagenhardt

Natalie Dagenhardt is an American conservative writer who writes for  Right Journalism! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington. She is a "constitutional conservative".