Political Watch

Embarrassing! Robert Mueller Indicts Russian Company That Does Not Exist at Time of Charge!

On Wednesday, Concord Management and Consulting pleaded not guilty to a charge brought by special counsel Robert Mueller that the company was party to a conspiracy to defraud the United States.

Concord is one of three Russian companies and 13 Russians indicted in February by Mueller on charges stemming from interference in the 2016 presidential election using social media.

But, as you already know, Mueller investigation is a charade. They don’t investigate and prosecute for a crime, they investigate to find a crime to prosecute.

Via Gateway Pundit: “During the hearing, the judge asked the attorney representing Concord Management if he was also representing Concord Catering. The attorney for Concord Management explained that he is not because the indictment contains the ‘proverbial ham sandwich’, as noted earlier this week at TGP.

What was not yet available until last night was the transcript of the hearing. The reason the Concord Management attorneys called the case a ‘proverbial ham sandwich’ was because one of the entities indicated by the Mueller team, Concord Catering, was not in existence at the time the crimes were alleged to have taken place.”

This is a disaster! The cornerstone of Mueller’s indictments is a hoax! The Democrats are so very desperate that they are so very desperate that they are making big fools of themselves. Mueller has been a disgrace for decades, doing great damage, and not only as Special Counsel now. He was only hired to destroy and unseat Trump.

The reality is that Democrats are desperate to get Trump on anything!!!! They live by fictions. But, we are interested in facts, and they haven’t got any.

This is why this investigation needs to stop.

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Share this article because the mainstream media will not report this!

Editor’s Note: This particular story was popular at the time it originally made the news and is circulating again a second time for the important and applicable message that’s relevant today.

Natalie Dagenhardt

Natalie Dagenhardt is an American conservative writer who writes for  Right Journalism! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington. She is a "constitutional conservative".