Political Watch

Shocking Report! John Kerry Tried To Sabotage President Trump, This Might Violate The Logan Act!

Remember how they accused Flynn of violating the Logan Act? Yeah, that’s what this is, except Kerry is actually breaking the law. Flynn was part of the government as an elected official advisor. Kerry has no business undermining our country. That is sedition and he can go to jail.

I am saying this because a bombshell report from Breitbart confirmed what we all fear!

Former Secretary of State John Kerry reportedly attempted to sabotage the Trump administration’s attempts to broker Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, urging the Palestinian Authority not to “yield to President Trump’s demands,” and suggesting that President Donald Trump could be out of office within a year.

The report originated with Israel’s Maariv daily newspaper and cited a senior Palestinian Authority official describing a meeting in London between Kerry and a close associate of PA President Mahmoud Abbas, Hussein Agha. Agha, who helped lead previous talks on behalf of Abbas, related the alleged details of the talk to PA officials, Maariv reported.

Citing his own newspaper, Maariv columnist Ben Caspit wrote in the Jerusalem Post:

During the conversation, according to the report, Kerry asked Agha to convey a message to Abbas and ask him to “hold on and be strong.” Tell him, he told Agha, “that he should stay strong in his spirit and play for time, that he will not break and will not yield to President [Donald] Trump’s demands.”

According to Kerry, Trump will not remain in office for a long time. It was reported that Kerry said that within a year there was a good chance that Trump would not be in the White House.

Is John Kerry suggesting that he is part of a plan to remove the rightfully elected president? Is that what he’s suggesting here because there is certainly no legal way to remove him from office since he has not commuted any impeachable offenses. Throw Kerry in jail. Now beyond what Trump may have done..for Kerry to interfere with a seated president’s international communications is a high-level crime.

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Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Supreme Insider, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Right Journalism. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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Rick Waldchen
Rick Waldchen
6 years ago

Kerry has been a traitor since Viet Nam!

Wyatt T. Walker
Wyatt T. Walker
6 years ago

We need some in the DOJ and the FBI out there doing what they’re gettin payed for,I’m tryin ta have patience but I’m gettin older all the time.