David Hogg Makes 5-Point Platform for Ending School Violence… It Backfired Immediately
On Friday morning, gun control activist David Hogg released a five-point platform about how to best strip Americans of their Second Amendment rights. Hogg tweeted out his five-point plan to ‘end violence’ and asked his 700,000 followers to weigh in on whether they support it or not:
Comment why you do or don’t support our 5 point platform below I want to try responding to as many people as I can.
1. CDC funding for research into gun violance
2. Universal Background checks
3. Digitization of ATF records
4. High-Capacity magazine ban
5. Assault weapons ban— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) May 11, 2018
David Hogg… please stop trying to find a way to have the government steal our rights … it makes you look like a totalitarian leftist insurrectionist.
Luckily, his five-point platform was thrown right back in his face.
1) Scientific research is already permitted and that was clarified in he April Omnibus signed by POTUS. Partisan research isn't funded.
2) Background checks exist. No UBCs because NO gun registry.
4) won't change anything (Cruz proved that)
5) tried, didn't work. https://t.co/1NQlHMjt0b
— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) May 11, 2018
1. Thy already do, stop lying about this.
2. We already do background checks, stop lying about this.
3. They already are, stop lying about this.
4. No.
5. Define “assault weapon.” But if you mean full-auto weapons, they already are, so stop lying about this.— In Guinness Veritas (@SocrateezNutz) May 11, 2018
1. CDC abused this privilege last time to advocate for gun control (& admitted it).
2. Do you trust govt not to turn this into a gun registry (or registry of gun owners)?
3. See above.
4. Magazines don't fire themselves.
5. Assault weapon is a made up term. https://t.co/9JwjQUAbUf— Liz Wheeler (@Liz_Wheeler) May 11, 2018
1. Meaningless
2. WTF is a universal background check?
3. Fine
4. Meaningless
5. It did nothing the first time.— Ex-GOP Greg (@Flying59Vette) May 11, 2018
1. CDC already does do gun research. What they got defunded from doing in regards to guns was not research, but propaganda
2. Our background checks are fine, we just need the law enforced
3. Elaborate
4. Won’t help
5. Elaborate
5. Define assault weapon more accurately. https://t.co/ylxu8x5nmB— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) May 11, 2018
Hogg won’t like to hear the news from Australia that they had a mass shooting yesterday and they have had guns banned for 20+ years.
Hey David, a mass shooting just happened in Australia yesterday killing 7 people. Did gun control stop it? No
— Lemon 🐡🐠 (@mspuffshitposts) May 11, 2018
I’m a researcher of antisocial behavior trajectories in childhood leading to crimes later in life.
I’m fine with violence* research.
I’m not agreeing to a high capacity magazine ban or an “assault weapons” ban.
I was just recently brutally raped – I deserve my rights.— elisabeth (@elisabethlehem) May 11, 2018
David Hogg needs to get a grip. He has NO authority to demand anything! He is a puppet who thinks he has power.
So, my response to Hogg tweet is to get his a** back in school and quit being a puppet for the left. It’s fine if he wants to make schools safer. However:
1) Get a quality education.
2) don’t do it for money and attention.
3) Work somewhere that you can learn real life.
4) get your facts straight before speaking
5) actually do something that honors those who died in school shootings.
Those are my 5 points for David Hogg.

Natalie Dagenhardt is an American conservative writer who writes for Right Journalism! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to “stir up the pot,” and does not “pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do,” drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington. She is a “constitutional conservative”.