Political Watch

BREAKING! Lynch REFUSES Congress: I Won’t Answer

The fact is, Attorney General Loretta Lynch was following orders from the White House. Ever since the Federal Bureau of Investigation gave Hillary a free pass, Trey Gowdy has been assailing Attorney General Loretta Lynch with criticisms as to why she allowed this miscarriage of justice to happen.

It seems that Trey Gowdy was right!

The Washington Times reports that on October 20, Barack Obama’s former Attorney General Loretta Lynch privately met with Congressional Republicans about her “tarmac meeting” with former President Bill Clinton, husband of failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, in June 2016. What they discussed is unknown, but many suspect it had something to do with the Obama Justice Department giving Hillary a pass on various scandals, particularly her illegal use of a private server to share classified material.

Loretta Lynch didn’t feel much like talking:

Mrs. Lynch has been accused of attempting to influence the FBI’s investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s private email use while secretary of state — and both she and Mr. Clinton say the meeting at the Phoenix airport was a chance social encounter.

In June, during highly anticipated testimony, fired FBI Director James Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee that the Lynch-Clinton tarmac meeting caused him to hold a press conference on Mrs. Clinton’s email case.

“At one point, the attorney general [Lynch] had directed me not to call it an investigation but instead to call it a matter, which confused me and concerned me,” Mr. Comey told the committee. “That was one of the bricks in the load that led me to conclude I have to step away from the department if we’re to close this case credibly.”

On Friday, Fox quoted sources saying the former attorney general refused to answer three queries: whether she ever instructed Mr. Comey to characterize the DOJ’s Clinton email investigation a “matter,” whether she liaised with the White House to hold the tarmac meeting with Mr. Clinton and finally — if she could address any issues related to Mr. Comey’s June testimony.

Mrs. Lynch reportedly declined to answer any of the three queries.

On Friday, Fox quoted sources saying the former attorney general refused to answer three queries: whether she ever instructed Mr. Comey to characterize the DOJ’s Clinton email investigation a “matter,” whether she liaised with the White House to hold the tarmac meeting with Mr. Clinton and finally — if she could address any issues related to Mr. Comey’s June testimony.

Mrs. Lynch reportedly declined to answer any of the three queries.

Earlier this month, TFPP reported that FBI has admitted to possessing 30 pages or so of documents pertaining to the tarmac meeting, after denying that it had any such records the year before. The FBI was forced to change its tune after the conservative American Center for Law and Justice got its hands on and then released email exchanges between the FBI and DOJ confirming the records’ existence.

So Republicans ask Lynch to come clean, and Lynch says she doesn’t want to come clean. What do Republicans do now? Frown, issue a finger-waving press release, and say “oh well, we tried”? Or do they decide that suspects deserve to be treated like suspects, and bring greater pressure to bear?

This is why the whole idea of legislators taking the lead on all of this is a farce. We’re not talking about bad policies; we’re talking about crimes. Corruption. Abuse of power. The Justice Department should be taking the lead. Lynch needs to be asked these questions in court, under oath. And everyone needs to understand that at the end of the day, the truth will be found one way or another, and somebody will most likely be going to jail.

Contempt of Congress and jailed until testimony is provided and fined 10X the costs for incarceration, per day.
Share this and lets make her pay for what she did!

Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Supreme Insider, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Right Journalism. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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7 years ago

Lynch arrogantly thinjs that she still has powers and that her God Obama, will save her from going to jail. Not!! Obama may be in jail with the clintons, as she is forced to testify. Dhe better be smart about this!

7 years ago

If you are not going to post my comments I would like to unsubscribe. You only post anything that is damaging to Trump it seems like it.

Thomas J Faddis
7 years ago

Contempt of Congress like holder??!! Who’s still running around free to this day? ! Well, they’ll be 2 for 2 with obama heads of doj,lol!

Garth Michaels
Garth Michaels
7 years ago

Congress needs to deal quickly and most effectively to affirm the constitution and the rule of law. No half-baked measures will break the backs of these traitorous swamp beasts.

Lynn B
Lynn B
7 years ago

ENOUGH ~~ LOCK HER UP !!! Tired of the American people being ABUSED by these Treasonous People !

7 years ago
Reply to  Lynn B

I agree. Lock them all up until they’re ready to tell the truth. They should be put in a state prison because Federal is too good for them

7 years ago

Put this over privileged monkey in prison until she can loosen her tongue! Otherwise, let her rot in prison!