Watch Black Man Destroy White Libtard and Black Lives Matter at Trump Protest (Video)
Kevin Martin, a black conservative politician, respectfully hammered a white anti-Trump protester with facts about the black-on-black crime until she fled the scene, while onlookers applauded the young man for his efforts.
Martin begins by shocking the woman with the truth that Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization.
“You allow Black Lives Matter on campus, but you don’t allow White Power on campus. Why not? It’s the same sh*t. Both are hate groups and neither are productive. If you denounce one, denounce the other.”
The woman, holding a “Lock Him Up!” sign (referring to President Donald Trump), exhibited her illiberal intolerance for Martin’s arguments, dismissing him as “an anomaly.”
“Wow… I’m not even going to engage in something so absurd. This is just ridiculous,” she scoffed at Martin.
Martin continued on, speaking about the disproportionate number of blacks as a percentage of the U.S. population (~13%) in relation to their participation in gun and drug crime, which is over half.
He also noted that roughly 95% of violent offenses against blacks are perpetrated by other blacks, saying, “I have a 2,000% more likely to be shot by another black man, leaving this event, than I do by a white person, a police officer, or a neo-Nazi… African-Americans are killing each other. That’s what the problem is.”
The woman realized she had been routed and walked away in a daze, while onlookers applauded Martin.
“I can’t even hang out in black neighborhoods because it’s a risk for me. It’s sad,” Martin continued. “There’s a problem within the African-American community, and it needs to be addressed.”
“Obama didn’t address it because he needed the black vote, and Al Sharpton didn’t address it because he’s making millions of dollars off of victimizing African-Americans.”
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Michelle is an American conservative author she is committed to the constitutional principles of individual freedom, economic liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, and traditional values. She is a libertarian and provocateur who believes in freedom and liberty for all Americans. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington, while exposing politicians and individuals who wish to do us harm.