Joe Biden’s Niece Gets NO JAIL TIME After Pleading GUILTY to $110K Credit Card Scam
What happens to you if you are the daughter of a Democrat Vice President’s brother after pleading guilty to stealing $110K? Absolutely nothing!
It must be nice.
The niece of Joe “groper” Biden borrowed someone’s credit card and had permission to spend $675 at a New York Pharmacy, but that didn’t stop her from opening a credit line there and stealing $110,000 from her victim.
Although she did promise to pay the money back, nothing else happened.
The New York Post reported:
Joe Biden’s niece dodges jail after $100K credit card scam.
The wild-child niece of former Veep Joe Biden stole more than $100,000 in a credit card scam — and quietly cut a plea deal in Manhattan court that spares her any jail time, The Post has learned.
Using a borrowed credit card, the blonde Caroline Biden set up an unauthorized customer account at Bigelow Pharmacy on Sixth Avenue in Greenwich Village, and racked up the six-figure bill over the course of a year, according to a criminal complaint that does not name the victim card owner.
As part of a plea deal before Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Kevin McGrath, Biden, 29, pleaded guilty to one charge of grand larceny and another of petit larceny and agreed to make restitution of $110,810.04.
If she pays everything back and keeps her nose clean, she can return to court and enter a substitute plea to a lower, misdemeanor charge of petit larceny and be sentenced to two years probation.
But she’ll stay out of jail even if she fails to live up to the plea deal, instead getting sentenced on the felony larceny to five years probation.
This is not the first time she has gotten away scot free after breaking the law either.
Biden was also in Manhattan Criminal Court in 2014, on charges of resisting arrest, obstruction of justice and harassment stemming from a dustup with her Tribeca roommate.
In that case, the silver-spoon Georgetown University graduate was accused of taking a swing at a female cop who responded in Sept. 2013 to a drag out fight over unpaid rent between Biden and her roommate.
“I shouldn’t be handcuffed!” cops said Biden railed at the time. “You don’t know who you’re doing this to!”
She was given another sweetheart deal in that case: a promise that the charges would be dismissed if she stayed out of trouble for six months.
The charges were eventually dismissed and sealed.
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Editor’s Note: This particular story was popular at the time it originally made the news and is circulating again a second time for the important and applicable message that’s relevant today.

Michelle is an American conservative author she is committed to the constitutional principles of individual freedom, economic liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, and traditional values. She is a libertarian and provocateur who believes in freedom and liberty for all Americans. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington, while exposing politicians and individuals who wish to do us harm.
This is CRAP! Lock her up as you would do any other person!
just chip off the old block, if this would have been a Trumps family all hell would break loose with the Libs.
If that were Trump’s niece, she would have served time, AND the wrong(left) would be livid. CNN would devote 10 hours daily for weeks.
Pays to have money. Regular fella would be doing time and have a record. Just proves if you have the green you usually get a free ride. At least for a little bit.
Joe Biden the one who constantly touches little girls, the one Obama gave a medal to and said Joe is so great he gives vulnerable children his private cell number and tells them to call him. Upper echelon pedophile networks in plain view