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Biden’s Team Posts a Strange Photo of POTUS with Obama and Kimmel, and People Have Questions About Their Eyes

President Joe Biden’s star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles, which featured a conversation with former President Barack Obama and comedian Jimmy Kimmel, is projected to raise at least $30 million, according to a source close to the campaign.

During the approximately 40-minute discussion, Biden, Obama, and Kimmel highlighted the current administration’s achievements. A significant portion of the conversation, however, was dedicated to expressing concerns about a potential second term for former President Donald Trump and reflecting on how he has disrupted numerous political and institutional norms.

Yes, that’s how the liberal world saw this campaign event!

Maybe that’s why Biden’s PR team thought posting a “strange” photo of Biden, Obama, and Kimmel would be a nice idea!

The comment section noticed that Biden looked like melting and also had questions about their eyes:

The fundraiser itself was a TDS filled!

From Deadline:

“The Supreme Court has never been as out of kilter as it is today,” Biden said. “…The fact of the matter is that this has never been a court that has been this far out of step.”

He noted that when the Dobbs decision was issued overturning Roe vs. Wade, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote that other decisions should be reconsidered, including IVF and contraception. Someone in the audience then shouted, “Gay rights.”

“By the way, not on my watch. Not on my watch,” said Biden, in a line that got one of the biggest cheers from the crowd in the 7,100-seat Peacock Theater.

Before Kimmel introduced the two presidents, he showed a video of Trump from 2020, where he predicted that if he was not elected, major holidays like the Fourth of July and Christmas would end. Kimmel had asked the president, “Is it satisfying to see that video to see how wrong Orange Julius Caesar was about your presidency?”At the outset, Biden wasted little time making a biting about Donald Trump shortly after he took the stage.

“I could have done nothing and done better than he was doing,” Biden.

The ABC late night host then went into a long list of Biden’s accomplishments, often interspersing them with irreverent quips.

Kimmel later noted that Biden said he was “fighting to restore the soul of America and lately it seems like we might need and exorcism. Is that why you visited the Pope?”

Biden laughed and said, “The truth is the way in which we communicate with people these days, there’s so much opportunity to just lie….If you have just one source you go to for your news, it’s just easy to convince people that that is the only truth that’s out there.”

Obama referred to Trump’s recent conviction, telling the audience that “Part of what has happened over the last several years is we have normalized behavior that used to be disqualifying. We have the spectacle of the nominee of one of the two major parties sitting in court and being convicted by a jury of his peers on 34 counts. His foundation is not allowed to operate because it was engaging in money business and not actually philanthropic work. You have his organization being prosecuted for not paying taxes. … There are certain standards and values that we should all abide by. Joe Biden has stood for those values and continues to do, and the other guy doesn’t.”

They asked for exorcism and you this isn’t a satire!

(This post may contain disputed claims. We make no assertions as to the validity of the information presented by our Opinion Columnist. This is an opinion article, and this post should be treated as such. Enjoy.)

Mark Van der Veen

Mark Van der Veen offers some of the most analytical and insightful writings on politics. He regularly opines on the motives and political calculations of politicians and candidates, and whether or not their strategy will work. Van der Veen offers a contrast to many on this list by sticking mainly to a fact-based style of writing that is generally combative with opposing ideologies.

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Agent Eternity
Agent Eternity
7 months ago

that because all three are arrested and replaced with men in masks. kimmel is literally channing tatum, that is acting as him… but the others IDK who is acting as them, but its NOT THEM its men in a mask.. especially biden, probably obama is mostly cgi at this point.

Dash Riprock
Dash Riprock
7 months ago

So the three of them discussed the current administrations achievements? Wow, that conversation must have lasted all of 7 seconds.

7 months ago

TDS has gone from plain mental illness to a CULT of mental illness. Boy are the Democrats gonna blow if they fail to steal 2024…

Dano S.
Dano S.
7 months ago

Does the Biden administration have any idea how many people can’t stand any of those three frauds in the photo? It just shows how out of touch they are.

7 months ago

I’ve been saying this for yonks, they’re all wearing masks.

Dirk Darkly
Dirk Darkly
7 months ago

What a disgusting trio.