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VIDEO: Obama’s Welfare Queens Are Told Their Food Stamps Have Been CUT OFF – Watch How They React

Obama put millions of entitled Americans on welfare, allowing them to freeload off people who actually work for a living.

In the video below, however, welfare leeches in Georgia learn their food stamps had been cut off due to an administrative error. The freeloaders didn’t take this news very well…

Watch as the welfare kings and queens whine about how “unfair” it is that they will actually have to get jobs to support their families.

Oh, my gosh at all of the entitlement here. Why did you have so many kids if you couldn’t take care of them? And why is everybody getting all mad like somebody owes them something?

Truthfully it’s nobody else’s job to take care of them, but the least they could do is act grateful for the help they’ve received and not act like it’s owed to them.

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Michelle M.

Michelle is an American conservative author she is committed to the constitutional principles of individual freedom, economic liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, and traditional values. She is a libertarian and provocateur who believes in freedom and liberty for all Americans. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington, while exposing politicians and individuals who wish to do us harm.

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7 years ago

If they were to just get a job then they would not have to rely on the government to steal money from people who work for a living. This has been the view of “certain people” for about 50 years now. There is a group, a “certain group” that pops out babies and expect the or “certain group” to pay for. One “certain group” is arrogant, hostile, nasty, and freeloads, while the other “certain group” goes to work, earns a living, and lives within their means.

Ilona Watts
Ilona Watts
7 years ago

why do you think these welfare queens had so many kids? It’s time they worked for a living

7 years ago

You see it’s mostly black , they need to get a job and stop lying on there backs to create more babies that the working people of America have to pay for…having kids that you can’t take care of is bs…that someone else is caring for not you…I need meds to but I don’t get help with mine…I wish they would do away with government entitlement

2 years ago

They should remember the Yellowstone bears. The bears were cute until they demanded to be fed.
Then they were gone.