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Video: Pro-Abortion Protesters Blocked Another Road – They Get a Rude Wake-Up Call From A Pickup Truck Driver

Nowadays blocking the roads and illegally detaining others in order to prove something seems to become some kind of trend. Unfortunately for the protestors, they slowly realize that their actions have consequences… and the consequences are sometimes painful.

So a law-abiding American citizen did what any of us would do when surrounded by a gang of thugs wanting to cause him and his vehicle harm.

A driver did not stop when pro-abortion activists stood in front of, and surrounded, his vehicle in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Friday evening.

Two protesters were reportedly struck in the incident.

The black vehicle drove through the group of activists in Cedar Rapids, despite them screaming at it to stop and hammering the hood and window.

One appeared to get caught in front of it and narrowly avoided being run over before the driver sped off during the shocking exchange on Friday night.

Another had her foot run over and was left howling in pain. And a third was flung to the floor as he drove away, suffering bruises and scrapes.

Video below:

People can be heard shouting for the protesters to “get out of the road” and “stop doing this!”

According to a report from CBS 2 Iowa, “Lenz claims two women were crossing the street, using a crosswalk, outside the U.S. District Court Federal Court House in Cedar Rapids, and one of them got her foot runover.”

The woman, Alexis Russell, who had her foot run over claims that the driver had “charged” into the crowd and she was trying to stop them by standing in front of the vehicle — despite being clearly much smaller than a truck.

Other reports say that the protesters were not clearing the road!

Also, she appears to be hitting the driver:

When you play stupid games you win stupid prizes!

Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Supreme Insider, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Right Journalism. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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2 years ago

Attempted carjacking. You can’t blame the driver for being in fear, and escaping from the mob. Thankful the driver is okay. Well done.

2 years ago

I sure hope nothing happens to the driver.

2 years ago

It’s not murder to run down a pro-abortion radical blocking the road – it’s a later-term abortion, which the deceased totally supported. It’s a right, the dead chick/gay guy/incel said.

Jeff Carlson
Jeff Carlson
2 years ago

Why did he drive so slow? 😂😂😂

Mr Amazing
2 years ago

When a mob surrounds my vehicle, the chance that I’m going to stop rolling is ZERO.

2 years ago

When push comes to shove in societal breakdown, this will become common. In St. Louis BLM dancers blocked an expressway while their thugs committed dozens of armed robberies on the parked cars. The liberal press shrieked when one woman slowly drove her SUV through the BLM dancers.

Jane Mariano
Jane Mariano
2 years ago

Legalize running over protesters blocking a road

Alej Marcos
Alej Marcos
2 years ago

It ought to be legal to run over them.

“I was in fear for my life !”

2 years ago
Reply to  Alej Marcos

It is in my state.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alej Marcos

They are highway pirates/mercenaries. They are acting outside of the constitution/law and therefore are not protected by it ! Bolsheviks in action !

2 years ago

Should have backed up and pulled forward again. Roads are made for traffic and if you pay taxes for your vehicle then you are legally able to drive on them.

2 years ago

Kudos to the driver!
No dead. Regretfully no post birth abortions took place.

2 years ago
Reply to  BDnSC

The protestor hanging onto the front of a pickup truck that was driving down the road had an epiphany. Suddenly she realized her situation was like an unplanned pregnancy. Actions have consequences, and suddenly she was responsible for the choices she made. She had just gained wisdom, if only the truck would get off the Interstate and stop some time.

chip henry
chip henry
2 years ago

Honk twice. Warn them through a closed window that you will not stop and they may be harmed if they remain in your path, then proceed slowly, or according to the damage they’re trying to inflict on you and your vehicle. Most of all, don’t let them open a door.

Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor
2 years ago

in Iowa, when driving through a herd, sometimes the bovine get bumped.

2 years ago

Gave it some gas and knocked some snowflakes on there asses I love it is legal in my state to do that if you feel you are in danger.

2 years ago

The spike protein has crossed the blood brain barrier. Don’t worry, they will all be gone soon.

Every American
2 years ago

I love it when leftist scum get run over. Why do they never protest in my town? I want to run over them too. It’s not fair.

2 years ago

Leftist clowns

2 years ago

This is is the answer to the question; Why would anyone need a 30 round magazine in your gun?”.

Nicolas P Cignetti
Nicolas P Cignetti
2 years ago

Roads are for vehicles,. sidewalks are for pedestrians. When you want to cross stop look confirm all clear and cross.

2 years ago

The average car weighs 2000lbs, the average truck about 3000 lbs both have engines that produce what is known as horsepower. The truck probably has about 200 HP. This little 135lb chick 0.00000000000000002 HP.
I know math is sometimes hard but ugh DAMN!!!!!

2 years ago

Can’t fix stupid… can get you vehicle damaged for trying. The protesters can get dead.
These are all Dawin Award candidates (they’ve failed so far, but still trying for the coveted award)….

2 years ago

The new term for pro abortion ghouls in the road is “speed bump”.

2 years ago

The truck driver was being tolerant, he didn’t floor it to get out of there. He gave the jackwagons time to get away – if they didn’t, it’s NOT his lookout!

2 years ago

By her/its actions, we know its not too bright and easily manipulated. Not bad to look at, however. Sad.