Opinion & Debate

The PETITION Against Mandatory Vaccination For The Coronavirus Is Going Viral

The anti-vaccine community, at large, believes that vaccines are a tool of government control that makes big pharmaceutical companies rich and has side effects that can cause lasting damage.

For those of us who believe vaccines to be unsafe and not properly tested, news coming out that plans are underway to mandate vaccination for COVID-19 is troubling.

Personally I think that anyone has the freedom to choose if he wants to be vaccinated.

It shouldn’t be mandatory, because it un-constitutional to force any American to do anything!

And finally the pro-life site “Life Site News” launched a petition through its petition site called “Life Petition.”

The petition states:

No government can force anyone who has reached legal adulthood to be vaccinated against their will for the coronavirus. And, equally, no government can force minors to be vaccinated for the coronavirus against the will of their parents or guardians.

Please SIGN this urgent petition which urges policy-makers at every level of government to reject calls for mandatory coronavirus vaccination.

Fear of a disease – which we know very little about, relative to other similar diseases – must not lead to knee-jerk reactions regarding public health, nor can it justify supporting the hidden agenda of governmental as well as non-governmental bodies which have apparent conflicts of interest in plans to restrict personal freedoms.

The so-called “public health experts” got it wrong many times during the current crisis. We should not, therefore, allow their opinions to rush decision-makers into policy regarding vaccination.

And, while some people, like Bill Gates, may have a lot of money, his opinion and that of his NGO (the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) – namely, that life will not return to normal till people are widely vaccinated – should not be permitted to influence policy decisions on a coronavirus vaccination program.

Finally, we must also not allow the rush by pharmaceutical companies to produce a new coronavirus vaccine to, itself, become an imperative for vaccination.

The petition gathered 34k signatures so far!

You can sign the petition in a link below.

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, as well as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, said life after COVID-19 will not be the same “for some time,” or at least until the population is “widely vaccinated.”

Many world leaders are ready to follow Gates’ playbook, like Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who stated, “Normality, as it was before, will not come back full-on until we get a vaccine for this.”

And now some officials on the ground, those who are directing the logistics of a vaccine rollout, are telling us how imminent these plans may be. Let’s listen to the words of Dr. Allison Arwady, the head of Chicago’s Public Health Department, who tells us “We’ve already bought the syringes, we already know where it’s going to happen…”:

This tyranny needs to end. Americans need to wake up and stand up against this nonsense.

If Chicago is “deep in the planning stages” of mass vaccinations, It’s safe to assume that many other cities are planning the same.


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Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He writes for Supreme Insider, Red State Nation, Defiant America, and Right Journalism. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!