Letter From Veteran Sets Record Straight On “Honorable, Decent, Patriotic Commander and Soldier” Roy Moore
Judge Moore is an honest man and a Christain. He is a man who put his job and his reputation on the line for the 10 commandments. That’s exactly why liberals and RINOs hate him.
In an editorial published the day after Thanksgiving, Vietnam veteran William E. Staehle who served with Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore in Vietnam open up about his close personal relationship with Moore. Staehle said that Moore was one of the better men with whom he served.
Mr. Staehle, who was a captain in the 504th Military Police Battalion in the 1970s, begins his testimonial with a strong endorsement of Moore’s character, at least as he knew him 45 years ago.
Staehle wrote: “I served with Roy Moore in Vietnam in 1971-72, where I knew him to be an altogether honorable, decent, respectable, and patriotic commander and soldier. I have had no contact with him since.”
He continued: “He and I were captains and company commanders in the 504th Military Police Battalion, stationed at the base camp called Camp Land, just west of Danang.
I knew him well in my first four months in-country before I was re-assigned within the battalion to another location. During that time, I grew to admire him.
I am Bill Staehle, residing in Asbury Park, New Jersey. I am an attorney, practicing law continuously for 42-years. I began my career as an assistant United States attorney, and for the past 32 years, I have been the managing trial lawyer for the staff counsel office of a major insurance company.
The place was plush. There were other American servicemen there. Alcohol was being served. There were plenty of very attractive young women clearly eager for an intimate time.
In less time than it took any of the women to approach us, Roy turned to me and said words to this effect, “We shouldn’t be here. I am leaving.”
We told the officer who had brought us that we wanted to leave. He told us to take his jeep and that he could get a ride back later, which he did. Roy and I drove back to camp together.
That evening, if I didn’t know it before, I knew then that with Roy Moore I was in the company of a man of great self-control, discipline, honor, and integrity. While there were other actions by Roy that reinforced my belief in him, that was the most telling.
I reject what are obvious, politically motivated allegations against Roy of inappropriate dating behavior. What I saw, felt and knew about him in Vietnam stands in stark contrast to those allegations.
I sincerely doubt that Roy’s character had changed fundamentally and dramatically in a few short years later. He deserves, in my view, to be heard on the issues that are important to the people of Alabama and our country.
Roy was a soldier for whom I was willing to put my life on the line in Vietnam if the occasion ever arose. Fortunately, it did not.
I was prepared to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with him then, and I am proud to stand by Roy now.
— William E. Staehle, Asbury Park, New Jersey”
This is a great story. I am glad someone came forward to stand against the show that is playing out with that dirty lawyer Gloria and Hillary not far behind. But, it is a shame that the outstanding character of Judge Moore even needs defending from these baseless “allegations”.
And as Captain Bill Staehle proudly stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Judge Roy Moore, we too, proudly stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Patriot from Alabama.
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Natalie Dagenhardt is an American conservative writer who writes for Right Journalism! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to “stir up the pot,” and does not “pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do,” drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington. She is a “constitutional conservative”.