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Biden Approached Journos Outside The White House But Ran Off After Hearing The First Question (Video)

In recent years, the role of journalists has become increasingly important in holding politicians accountable for their actions and statements. This was done on a regular basis during Trump’s tenure at the White House however this wasn’t the case during the Biden’s administration until recently!

This was exemplified in a recent incident involving US President Joe Biden outside the White House, where he was asked an inconvenient question by a reporter.

The incident occurred when Biden was leaving the White House to board Marine One, the presidential helicopter. As he was walking towards the helicopter, a reporter asked him about holding China accountable for releasing COVID-19 upon the world!

Biden immediately bailed out and run towards his helicopter.

Video below:

Biden may have avoided this particular request for comment, but other politicians have taken it upon themselves to get the truth out of the government with legislation.
The Senate unanimously passed a bill to declassify all information related to the origins of COVID-19 and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The bill appears to have enough political momentum behind it to become law.

“It’s been three years since COVID-19 upended our lives, and we’re still asking basic questions about the origins of this virus. That’s unacceptable,” Rep Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., chairman of the newly-formed House Select Committee on China said in a recent statement.

In conclusion, the incident with President Biden dodging questions from reporters about holding China accountable for its role in the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the ongoing debate about the origins of the virus and the need for transparency and accountability in global health crises. While there is no easy solution to this complex issue, it is clear that greater international cooperation and coordination are essential in responding to public health emergencies and preventing the spread of infectious diseases.

Mark Van der Veen

Mark Van der Veen offers some of the most analytical and insightful writings on politics. He regularly opines on the motives and political calculations of politicians and candidates, and whether or not their strategy will work. Van der Veen offers a contrast to many on this list by sticking mainly to a fact-based style of writing that is generally combative with opposing ideologies.

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1 year ago

If it acts like a fool walks like a fool and looks like a fool, it is indeed a FOOL!!!!

James Linsley
1 year ago
Reply to  Crotte

You are being so polite.

1 year ago
Reply to  Crotte

I know a lot of fools much smarter than this ignorant pile of crap.

1 year ago

Slimy senile little girl fondling incompetent bassturd.

1 year ago

Who let the dog out???

1 year ago

Is he taking Marine One, the presidential helicopter, to a plane and then to CERN to get more orders from Lucifer? Or to another of many secret visits jewkraine to stock up adrenochrome?